[@Scarescrow][@The One][@Ryuzaki] We'll be opening up the Discord soon (either today or tomorrow), which means IC posting will begin as well. If you have a CS, reread it and make sure it's good to go. If you don't, either submit it soon or let us know that you're working on it. If you aren't one of these people and want to join anyway, go ahead and make a CS. There's plenty of room, and you don't have to be here on Day 1 to RP. We realize that the holidays are coming up and that people will be busy. If you know (or suspect) that you will be unable to roleplay for a certain amount of time, [i]please[/i] tell us how long you will be away via this OOC, so everyone knows not to freak out. Also, there will be a #rules channel near the top of the Discord. Please read that first.