Nexus put his arm out in front of Jenso. [color=00aeef]"Enough is enough, Jenso,"[/color] He growled, [color=00aeef]"Abandon these childish notions. Think [i]logically[/i] for once in your life."[/color] Nexus pushed him back with a strong thrust of his arm. [color=00aeef]"I am not stalling for anything, I am acting of my own free will. All this hope, all these fairy-tale dreams that you insist on making a reality, they won't happen. You're rushing in head first, like you always do, eager to die. [i]Eager to throw away your life."[/i][/color] He rose his hands and opened them loosely, as if to beg. [color=00aeef]"There are ways to win that don't involve bashing your head against a brick wall. There are options we can take. Let me help you one last time, come with us and abandon this nonsensical crusade."[/color] He brought a hand to his chest and squeezed the edge of his armoured plate. [color=00aeef]"We can win from the inside out, just you and me, if you just [i]listen.[/i]"[/color]