[hider=Vixen] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/e9/3c/d5/e93cd5f8cf4ed6ed7b03603a732a6ce9--character-creation-main-character.jpg[/img][/center] [center][b]Irma Dikami | Vixen[/b][/center] [center]24|Orange[/center] [center]Her special little tablet is her 'Kitt,' a handheld device that was [i]originally[/i] an android tablet, but a few trips to a electrician friend has customised the look of it significantly, and she's updated it with some major tech changes. It runs off a custom OS that is a heavily modified version of Linux.[/center] [hider=The Kitt] [img]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/8s2l9SYMmjA/maxresdefault.jpg[/img] [/hider] [center]Irma is a... Well. She's a green hat that works as a white hat for minor companies, and professionally, calls herself an 'IT Consultant.' Not that she does a lot of actual work. Mostly, she looks busy and browses forums, all whilst clearing up minor tech issues. She doesn't have major chops within the field, but has written a few of her own codes that she uses. The two she is most proud of are simply named Cntr.exe, and Wakeup.exe. Cntr.exe is shamelessly ripped off of one of her favourite games- Watch_Dogs, and attempts to temporarily overload all connected devices within range of the Kitt, whilst Wakeup.exe does something similar, but distinctly different- it causes all devices that [i]could[/i] connect to the Kitt through bluetooth to not only emit their ringtone at full blast (or to vibrate if on silent,) but also removes any overlay the screen has, forcing the owner of the device to switch it off if they want to stop the ringing. A reboot clears up both of these hacks.[/center] [hr] [center]Irma walks the walk very well, but can't really talk the talk. She is conspicuously absent whenever coding chops come out, instead preferring to chat quite casually about escapades and adventures she has supposedly had. This is pretty much the opposite of what she's like in real life- which is quiet and inward. She has few real friends and finds herself generally embarrassed in social situations, where she retreats into her devices in order to occupy herself. Making herself feel and appear like a bigshot in the digital world is a way of her coping with her reclusiveness, giving her a taste of popularity she doesn't have in the real world. Her life has been very much run of the mill. She has two siblings, was a straight B student throughout most of her life, and was luckily to fall into her current job when she did. It's not glamorous, but in this job market, she's just happy to be someone with a steady paycheck, even if it isn't as large as she would like it to be. On the digital world, she's been a small fish for years, never really scraping more than surface level until she developed an interest in hacking. As soon as she learned the basics, she crashed onto the scene, and is trying to keep up with the real bigshots as best she can.[/center] [/hider]