[b]Name:[/b] People' Republic of Ezo [b]Flag/Symbol:[/b] [img]http://orig10.deviantart.net/60c4/f/2010/270/5/b/communist_britain___flag_by_neethis-d2zlv4i.png[/img] [b]How you survived:[/b] Isolated from the mainland, as well as old Soviet-era fortifications. [b]Technology:[/b] Mostly 1980s Soviet-equipment. [b]Military might: [/b] [i]Armed Force:[/i] 150,000 soldiers - 50,000 active; 100,000 reserve. [i]Mechanized Force:[/i] 100 towed-howitzers, 1278 cavalry horses [b]History:[/b] The People' Republic of Ezo started at around 1943 - with the invasion of the Japanese mainland by the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union. They had firstly landed upon the shores of Ezo - then called Hokkaido by the Imperial Japanese Empire. When the Soviet Army pushed the meager garrison off Hokkaido - they were welcomed with open arms by the local Ainu people. As the Soviet Forces tried to move further inland however - they were stopped by the almost-fanatical resistance of both the remaining Imperial Japanese Army and the civilian population as well. Faced with the prospect of fighting millions of Japanese, further enraged by the imminent idea of foreigners whose basic culture was antithesis of the Emperor of Japan - the Soviet High Command wisely pulled back their forces to Hokkaido and started to fortify their position. Meanwhile - they aided the Chinese Communists in trying to fight the remains of the Imperial Army in mainland China. By the time, that the nuclear weapons had been dropped on Kyoto and Tokyo - the Second World War had come to an end. The Soviet Union had emerged the victor of the conflict yet had a lot of work ahead - to prop up the numerous governments all around Asia and Eastern Europe. The People Republic of Ezo was also included in that list - as a bulwark to prepare for any unified resistance from the mainlanders, whom had been splintered by the death of the Emperor and the Imperial Cabinet. While the rule of the Soviets wasn't as overly discriminating they did enforce certain rules and regulations. Namely the propagating of Soviet culture, lifestyle and ideas - in addition, they also started certain 'incentive' programs to increase the local population of the island. By the time that Ezo had been developed into a self-sufficient state in itself - there weren't many of the Japan-era Ainu left and the cultural oppression of the Japanese wasn't seem as badly as the Soviet national domination. By the time, that the Soviet Union collapsed on 1999 - the People' Republic of Ezo weathered the catastrophe better than the other handful of Communist states. As most of the Soviet appartus, and the non-locals packed-up and went home or integrated themselves completely into the culture. It was also around this time, that a more moderate Secretary-General was elected as head of the Worker' Party on Ezo. As the Soviet-era machinery dissolved so too did, the artificial propaganda and hate that had been generated against the mainland Japanese also faded away. Around December 22 1999, a few days before Christmas - the Nagasaki Peace Accords had been drawn-up between then the People' Republic of Ezo and the various factions of mainland Japan. Bringing a small shred of hope to the suffering people of Japan. Namely it included several concessions and aid that the People' Republic of Ezo was willing to offer to the mainlanders - in the form of food, wood and coal to help in the rebuilding and restoring destroyed industry. In exchange, most of the crimes committed against the Ainu people during the Meji Restoration up to World War Two was condemned by most of the various factions of Japan - and written down in historical record: "A shameful, unnecessary and barbaric practice that will never be forgotten or washed off." Talks had also been drawn up and discussed about the idea of reunification - although most of these talks had been stalled due to infighting and different opinions. So much so - that by the time of the Legacy Gate Incident; Japan had still remained divided, yet the new prospect of a common enemy might change that all-together. [b]Character: [/b] [hider= Secretary-General Resak, Worker' Party][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/5e/69/60/5e6960bbbc51bfcc1b8890216e7130f5.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider= Captain Ayai, Alpha Group][img]http://free.wallpaperbackgrounds.com/fantasy/women%20warrior/131549-29190.jpg[/img][/hider]