...well, that was a sign if ever he'd seen one. Having hidden the stave appropriately, he hustled past Argon and the lady Alice, into the same cavern as the rest of the group, climbing up the staircase after the majority of the group and generally keeping his voice down for the time being. No need to draw attention to himself, especially as it seemed the Skewloy had been severely injured by something or other. Oh, he'd need to offer his- ah, never mind. Ursaren had already taken the opportunity. Excellent. In that case... 'I think, my friends, rest may be appropriate here,' Sett offered, his opinion mostly adding on to Geradin's for the moment, 'if only for a short while. As Madame Alice has said, we ought to try and figure out where we are as soon as possible. We wouldn't want to get lost in these caverns, after all...' That last comment was meant to be cryptic, but the longer he dwelled on it, the more his internal panic did actually rise. Shit, they really [i]were[/i] trapped in some unknown caverns, weren't they? No way back, no idea where to go next, and if they went off randomly, they'd probably get lost for days. Sett, at least, had the rations to survive a little while, and they did at least have a cave full of mushrooms to choose from, but chances were they'd run out of everything in a relatively short time, and then what? The world was doomed, that was what, and oh right, they could be set upon by Dark Elves at any moment, or the Rogs from before, and oh shit oh shit okay, okay. Relax, Settionne. It's not like this is the worst scrape you've been in lately. To distract himself, he went to observe the work the Old Bear had done on the Skally's back. It seemed... surprisingly good, considering that he hadn't done any preliminary cleaning of the injury. 'Ah, a very good job, sir,' he commented, 'I couldn't have done better myself.' That, perhaps, was almost literally true, since he had no particular healing skills of his own, and his magic was often sketchy to manifest. The risks of being taken under the wing of the God of Luck, then. [@POOHEAD189][@Gardevoiran][@The Fated Fallen][@Fetzen]