[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/235261766131515392/292160659955777548/coollogo_com-586792.png[/img][/center] [center]And[/center] [center]Hound Dog[/center] [center]In[/center] [center][u][b][color=39b54a]Bossa Nova Baddies[/color][/b][/u][/center] With a quiet zap, Hound Dog flew between power lines a action that despite the media would have you believe from comics and movies isn’t as simple as walking over the live wires connecting pole to pole as doing so would potentially break the cable and endanger civilians. No, oh so carefully Hound Dog had to hover just above to prevent his full weight from bearing down on the cable as he frantically searched the city for any signs of Hound activity using his ears and eyes to scan the electrical impulses that each living being produced. As Hound Dog zipped by overhead, a guard sitting at the gate outside of Rabbit Motors started to nod off, sliding down in his chair as he adjusted his cap a little lower on his forehead. Before he could catch some well-earned sleep, however, a motor echoed through the relatively empty street. Looking around suspiciously, he spotted a van turn around the corner and trundle its way toward the gate. Recognizing the Silver River Institute logo on the side, he checked his hidden sidearm just to be safe and walked out to stop the van as it turned again and stopped outside the gate. “Uh, good morning!” came the muffled sound of a girl’s voice from the cab. Raising an eyebrow, he crouched down and peered inside at the driver, a girl with some sort of surgical mask over her face. “What’s with the mask?” “Flu season,” the girl said apologetically, lifting her hands off the wheel to give an apologetic shrug. Her fingers were shaking, the guard noticed suspiciously. “Didn’t know the Institute was sending anything over, let alone with only one of you,” the guard suggested. “What’s your business?” “Oh, uh, it’s pretty important, top secret stuff,” she said quickly. “Boss’ eyes only.” The guard’s eyes narrowed. Only one student driving, and for something supposedly this important? “Wait here,” he demanded, taking a couple steps back and turning on his communicator. “Captain, we have a Silver River truck here, were we expecting anyone today?” “Running it by logistics now, but as far as I know we got everything the other day. Need me to send anyone out there?” “No sir, I think I can handle one gi-urk!” The radio fell out of the guard’s hand with a clatter as something hard clamped down on his neck. “Arigato, iyana yatsu …” Before the guard could react, the robotic ninja threw the guard over the wall where landed on a patrolling guard with a loud thud. The girl in the truck stared blankly at the robot, her fingers turning white from her grip on the steering wheel. “Wh-why did you do that!?!?” she asked incredulously. “I did not kill, as Voyager-san requested,” Typhoon replied elegantly. “But you blew our goddamned cover!!!” Suddenly there was a loud slam and the girl found herself shoved aside of the driver’s seat by a large four-armed tarantula woman with a manic look in her eyes. “Then we do this the fun way!” she declared, slamming down both feet on the accelerator. “FANGS, WHAT THE FUUUUU-” Taking a moment to grab his bearings, Hound Dog checked his phone checking off areas he had already visited when smashing of metal could be heard not too far off, “Finally. Something.” He said as the cold air had been nipping at him for hours; hoping that this was the hounds at the least he rushed on over vaulting himself over the buildings while controlling his descent to land gingerly on the pavement. [color=fff200]“Huh, a van crashing it’s way through a warehouse, either their package got lost in the mail or this could be hounds.”[/color] There was a bit of stunned surprise as the guards regained their bearings, the van that drove its way through the wall now impacted in the side of the big warehouse building. Just as every gun in the immediate area was drawn and aimed at the offending vehicle, the back of the van burst open in a flash of purple light as Voyager lept from the back area. [color=MediumOrchid]“So...you guys don’t like metas like me, right?”[/color] Voyager said cheerily. [color=MediumOrchid]“Well...come and get some!”[/color] “Muties! Kill them!” Before anyone could open fire, there was an electronic chittering, almost like a playful giggle, immediately preceded by a loud, powerful bass note thundering from the ruins of the van. The guards cried out in alarm, some of them dropping their guns or clutching their heads in shock. This was followed by a loud crunching metal sound as Fangs exited the van by ripping the door off its hinges and hoisting it over her head. “Whoooo, fight!” she declared, chucking door into a cluster of soldiers nearby. The two she barely missed aimed weapons, but were thrown off as Typhoon vaulted gracefully over the wall, sweeping the legs out from under one man and judo throwing the other in the same movement. Voyager started aiming Psi-Blasts at nearby soldiers just as Monsterk4t slid out on his knees, aiming a sonic blast at some approaching hounds that knocked them off their feet like ragdolls. Another group were similarly dispatched by a blast of light as Fullbright emerged from the van as well, struggling slightly with her helmet as she rushed to join the fight. More goons rushed out from the warehouse to replace their friends, and the entire group quickly charged in to fight Voyager and her villain team, turning what would have been a shootout into a frantic melee. “These guys are like locusts!” Fullbright shouted, dodging a knife swing and aiming a construct to slam another attacker into the ground. [color=MediumOrchid]“They are numerous, yes!”[/color] Voyager responded bluntly, recoiling as a couple of Hounds charged at her Psi Barriers, only to be dispatched with a blast followed by a two-handed punch to the goon charging at her rear. [color=MediumOrchid]“Getting into the building to search for Jordan will be difficult!”[/color] “What I wouldn’t give for a bit of crowd control right now…” Fullbright responded, uppercutting one of the Hounds only to find five more charging right at her, blind hatred fueling their attack. As the scene unfolded before him it became apparent that metas had initiated the fight with Hounds, and by first glance it was villains, or so he thought as he became dumbfounded as to why Voyager has sprung out from the lot. “Looks like I got a gig to work and it’ll be a blast.” Charging energy in his hands lighting crackled and danced in his palms as he suddenly dashed forward at blinding speeds nearly breaking his body as his swinging arms smashed into the street and sent a wave of lighting bulging outwards smacking into the Hounds and throwing the lot back some were hit with enough force to knock them out others were tased by the field but before his questions could be answered those that escaped unscated rose up. [color=fff200]“Looks like we’re about to rock this shindig, I got questions baby but first let’s cream these Clydes.”[/color] “I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU JUST SAID!” Fangs shouted in response, wrenching off another door to use as a weapon against the oncoming horde. [color=fff200]“Are you writing a book babe? Let’s blow off some drags before we start talking right.”[/color] Hound Dog said with his calm and sure demeanor as lightning crackled and spat out from his fists. [color=fff200]“Who’s up first for a beat down!?”[/color] “Um, who is this guy?” Fullbright said, clearing the enemies behind her with a sweep of light construct wings. [color=MediumOrchid]“Ooh, it’s the other Hound!”[/color] Voyager said excitedly, plowing her way through a band of Hounds grunts to get to the newcomer. [color=MediumOrchid]“He helped out back when that Genie guy was around! Are you here to help save Jordan too?”[/color] [color=fff200]“Hey hey, Cool it, don’t lump me in with those party poopers over there, I am the one and only Hound Dog, it ain’t right they’re dragging good old Elvis through the mud stealing our shtick. And I was supposed to be savin youse of all People Voyager, well, you’re not people but you’re good people if you know what I mean.”[/color] [color=MediumOrchid]“I...think I do,” Voyager pondered. [color=MediumOrchid]“Why me though, I thought you’d be here for Jordan or something?”[/color] A nearby grunt, recognizing the name, sent an urgent message over his radio before his eyes rolled back in his head and he dropped like a sack of meat, courtesy of another one of MonsterK4t’s acoustic weapons. Lifting up his hands with a shrug,[color=fff200] “Youse been missing for a while now, and along with Jordan your friend spilled the beans about the whole ordeal. Needless to say you got a lot of people worried you should phone home once in a while, and since I’m obviously out of this loop of yours I’m going to assume Jordan is held by our welcoming guests.”[/color] “As the saying goes, the nail was struck on the head, Ryōken-san.” the robot ninja declared, appearing out of nowhere to catapult another pair of goons into one another. Voyager felt a pang of guilt at the revelation. She had so preoccupied with Jordan’s disappearance that she almost forgot about Mr. Martel. And he had even told the Poseidon people about her, if the Hound Dog man was telling the truth. Still, guilty feelings aside her coming clean with Poseidon was secondary to saving Jordan from the bad Hounds. And a good Hound would be welcome in that task. Before Voyager could ask for his help, bullets suddenly raked the ground near the two of them, kicking up a barrage of dust. The goons they were fighting were all dressed in common workers clothes, but now they were joined by a band clad in black combat armor, who had taken up position around the fight to pick off the superhumans. Voyager quickly deployed a Psi-Barrier and leapt in between the shooters and Hound Dog as the other villains scattered. [color=fff200]“These goons never learn, using military grade rounds with all that extra metal.”[/color] Hound Dog said as he too erected a barrier and deflected bullets as he broke to cover Voyager sending a mass of electricity across the asphalt rolling quickly as shocked two hounds and help clear her right side. “[color=fff200]Voyager, if we push to the right we can make it inside and I can barricade the doors to prevent them from following. Some of your, new pals will have to find another way to meet up though.”[/color] “Something tells me she’d be fine smashing her own way in,” Fullbright commented in the direction of the Tarantula girl who, having run out of doors to beat people up with, had resorted to beating up the Hound foot soldiers with other Hound foot soldiers. “Monsutāneko-san is using one of his devices to meddle with the aim of the soldiers,” the ninja robot said, confirmed by a slew of beeps as Monsterk4t waved what looked like a boombox with the insides on the outside over his head. “I suggest we leave him and the four armed one to fight the men outside while we force our way in!” [color=MediumOrchid]“That sounds like a plan to me!”[/color] Voyager chirped, blasting aside some more foes that tried to take the place of the ones that Hound Dog cleared out. [color=MediumOrchid]“Let’s move!”[/color] The half-alien led the charge to the office complex, followed closely by Hound Dog with Fullbright bringing up the rear as Typhoon leapt and dashed his way along the sides of the path, the two villains clearing away the Hounds trying to close in, Fullbright bashing them away with a hammer of light and Typhoon aiming paralyzing strikes at exposed necks. Some of the gunners tried to chase after them, only to be knocked into the air by the rampaging Fangs as MonsterK4t started to breakdance his way into the melee. Determination fuelling her, Voyager launched an eyebeam that blasted the lock off the door with an almighty *CHOOM* and knocked it open with a Psi-fueled shoulder bash as a band of soldiers waiting to charge out skidded to a halt. [color=fff200]“Got spunk kid, nice one now let me deal with this front burner of a problem.”[/color] Clapping his hands once he pulled them apart as electricity arched between them. [color=fff200]“An ambush is only good is no one can see you, and Antsvile is filled to the brim with electricity something that I can charge. I’d suggest running, but good luck on that.”[/color] The arch sprang out lashing into the ceiling and floors climbing the walls causing a chain reaction within their current surroundings as bolts flew out from every outlet and light fixture. [color=fff200]“And that. Is Science! Invest in some surge protectors will ya, if anyone is still up to care.”[/color] Lifting slabs of metal from various parts of the warehouse he sealed the doors and turned to Voyager.[color=fff200] “Right-O, that was Crazy but how’s about youse all fill me in while we head in deeper. Wherever Jordan is I cannot see her yet, and yes. I see through walls.”[/color] [color=MediumOrchid]“Wish I could see through walls…”[/color] Voyager said wistfully, stepping over the unconscious and slightly twitching form of a guard, just as his radio buzzed to life one last time. -kzzzc- “-won’t do it I’ll pilot the damn thing mysel-” -kzzcz-