[center][h1]~ Chapter 195 ~[/h1] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHG5aIEdO50][sub]The World Breaker[/sub][/url][/center] A stature far beyond what normal men could ever hope to achieve. Rajaka stood with an endless stream of energy flowing through his body, gathering at a constant pace as the time went by. He smiled. With both hands, he began to bend and stretch his knuckles, cracking them audibly. His skin let off a dull yellow aura to match the ferocity in his eyes. [color=fff200]"Oh yeah,"[/color] He growled, [color=fff200]"This is gonna to be fun. I'm gonna enjoy snapping your limbs off like brittle branches. I'll plant your ass so far underground, there'll be bitch trees growing for centuries to come."[/color] He cracked his knuckles again, and began to stretch his legs out. [color=fff200]"I'll be a good sport, though. Go ahead. Take your time to prepare yourself. [i]Turn blue again.[/i] That was a neat trick."[/color] He began to turn his neck, stretching the tendons in his shoulders. [color=fff200]"How'd you do that, some kind of parlor trick? Lights and mirrors?"[/color] He spun his neck around and flexed every muscle in his body, still smiling wide.