[quote=@Gummy1295] [hider=My name's Jeff.] [center][img]http://moe.animecharactersdatabase.com/uploads/chars/8148-1942374673.jpg[/img][/center] [center] [h1]Bio[/h1] [/center] Name: Jeff Pierce Age: 16 Birthday: February 2 Height: 5'9" Weight: 94 lbs (42.6 kg) Appearance: Jeff doesn't really motivate himself to look good. Every day, he shows up to school wearing the same raggedy jacket and the war-torn tennis shoes that have spent at least three years of constant use. His hair is always disheveled and far too long for a boy his age, which, combined with his twisted fashion sense, makes him look like a ghost possessing some homeless kid. Strangely enough, no one has seen a single strand of hair popping out of his chin, proving that he does indeed shave regularly, at the very least. If there's anything that's objectively the creepiest out of all of Jeff's strange appearance, it has to be his soulless gray eyes. He hardly ever blinks! His weight and body type have always been a source of worry to his classmates and teachers. Often, his teachers would notice him slouched over his desk at the very back of the room without snoring, and he wouldn't wake up until a few periods later, where he'd slip away without a single word and seek refuge in the boys' bathroom. Personality: To be honest, he doesn't appear to have one. Everyone who'd try to start a conversation with Jeff would be answered with a blank shake of his head, and if he were forced to speak, such as when he's called by a professor to answer a question, he'd answer with a dead, monotone voice. He barely ever explains the origin or the motive behind his behavior, but the answer is simple: He doesn't consider himself "gifted". Deep down inside, what he wants to see the most is the success of his classmates, but he's concluded that the only way he can help his classmates and everyone around him is by offering himself as a counterexample to what he believes a "gifted" person acts like. History: Very little is known. Apparently, his parents or caretakers had quite the high income, seeing as the ragged jacket he wears every day to school used to be worth around $200 dollars at the time. Also, all of the expenses for his move to Seattle were paid for by an anonymous donor. However, his teachers have never managed to get ahold of Jeff's legal guardian... if he ever had any to begin with. He always scored straight As on his report card, but he'd deliberately leave test answers in blank so as not to end up with the absolute highest of grades in the class when the final grades would come up. He'd always end up as the #2 position in the class, and he'd be more than satisfied with these results. He would have loved to score much lower on the ladder, but he'd always dream of motivating gifted students at Casper High, claiming that motivating the cream of the world's crop was his calling. His stellar performance at standardized tests and a perfect score on the school's entrance exam made him a shoo-in for the "gifted" group. [center] [h1]Combat[/h1] [/center] Parameters: Strength ~ Above Average Endurance ~ Below Average Agility ~ Exceptional Luck ~ Average Weapon: Short Sword Persona: Tempus Arcana: Fortune [img]http://orig01.deviantart.net/8be4/f/2011/195/9/e/time_wizard_by_rafa_cac-d3rap11.png[/img] Parameters: Strength: Bad Endurance: Even worse. Magic: Exceptional Agility: Slow Luck: Peerless Hobbies: Writing, People-Watching, Reading, Silence Likes: A Good Challenge, Smart People, Cats Dislikes: Candy, Noisy People, Teamwork, Bullies [/hider] [/quote] Thanks for the sheet. I have one big worry about your character I'd like to discuss. I worry that his offputing and quite nature may cause him to avoid interactions with other members of the group. It sounds like he puts alot of weight into helping others succeed, but would have a hard time actually doing that due to his behavior. I think that he is definitely role-playable, I just wanna make sure there's an understanding that he has to communicate enough to become and stay part of the group, and not to rely on other characters to "force" him into scenes. Also it would be nice if you PM me a little more about his background. It will be fun for other characters to find out about his mystery over time, but I want to make sure it isn't too out there or anything.