[center][img]http://image.ibb.co/cJ24aG/seymourname.png[/img] [color=ff4242][b]Location:[/b][/color] Rosashire - Red Lion Tavern[hr][/center] The man sat down without taking Seymour's hand, Seymour simply grinned in response. Some words left the mans mouth but all he took from them was his name, Markus. The dhampir began to open his mouth to speak before another man approached from the bar, this man stood a couple of inches taller than Seymour and had pointed ears much like Markus. Much like Markus' introduction, Seymour took only the name from this person. He listened as Markus spoke to this man Leo before firmly putting his palm down onto the table. The glasses shook violently, the candle in the middle of the table almost toppling over. [color=ff4242]"Forgive my interruption but I think you would both be better off leaving this entire situation to me."[/color] Seymour wasn't a cocky individual, if anything he was trying to keep these other two safe from harm. His demanour often caused conflict with others and explained why he was still working alone. [color=ff4242]"I have dealt with these sort of situations before..."[/color] Looking down at his hands he clenched his fists tight before casting a glance at the direction of the other two. [color=ff4242]"...more often than not these [i]events[/i] are as the result of inhuman beasts and unearthly creatures."[/color] Seymour took a gulp from his drink before standing up. [color=ff4242]"I have seen men battered and beaten to a pulp, eviscerated from throat to cock before they could blink.[/color] Seymour gestured from his throat down to his stomach, his eyes giving off an intensity that showed his sincerity. [color=ff4242]"If this is one of those situations the best thing that you two could do would be to walk away now and leave this to me."[/color] He returned to his seat and returned his drink to his mouth for another gulp.