Tobi sat in his own private 'room of that's what you could call it. Tobi preferred to call it this as it made him feel more like the team. He had been inactive for months. Well..physically inactive anyway. His AI consistnely argued with itself. For the first time since the accident that was his creation, he knew fear. The personalities were worried. Blue believed they were done for. The horrible and gruesome killing spree that red went on during missions was sure to have backlash. The fact that they haven't been confronted about it worried blue even more. Red was irrational, destructive, and considered to be a murderer. It was obvious that red derived more from the hunter drone that was used. Red didn't not worry as much as blue. He was part of the team after all. He wouldn't hurt his team, they were his friends. He wouldn't dare tear the arms off of his friends. Blue spoke up. [color=turquoise]You're a murderer and a complete accident. Thanks to you, we may become spare parts disassembled at a moment's notice because you can't control yourself.[/color] [color=red]I haven't done anything wrong though. I hurt bad guys. I save my team members. I don't see the issue.[/color] [color=turquoise]you don't see the issue because you aren't rational. Any being with fear would be horrified by the things you did. They haven't mention because they are most likely thinking of the best way to get rid of us.[/color]