[h3]Kei Kinzo[/h3] Kei kept himself entertained for quite a bit of time with just browsing the internet on his phone, but in reality that can only keep a person entertained for so long before seeing some of the stuff repeat a couple times over. With a loud audible sigh he slid his phone back into his pocket and stared up into the sky. Despite all the light pollution from the surrounding buildings the night sky was still nicely visible. The stars were slowly beginning to show themselves and the moon itself was slowly making it's way into position. It was definitely a nice night, nothing could really make it turn weird. Well that was what Kei thought until a rather unexpected turn of events happened right next to him. As Kei was spacing out while staring up at the night sky he suddenly began hearing the sounds of leaves being violently rustled. Really it seemed as if someone was doing a number to a bush near him. COming back to his senses he brought his head back to eye level and began to scan the area around him. It took 0.2 seconds for Kei to realize where the sound of rustling vegetation was coming from. It was quite literally right next to him. He watched in confusion and amazement as the man next to him was literally destroying a bush before his eyes. It sure was something else. As Kei watched the man continually beat the bush senseless a voice called out to him from his other side, turning towards the voice he saw a man extending out his hand towards him. WIthout missing a second Kei reached out and grabbed said hand and spoke out. [color=00a651]「I mean it definitely caught me by surprise seeing a defenseless bush being beat senseless but aside from that nothing more.」[/color] Kei let out a light friendly chuckle as he shook the man's hand. [color=00a651]「My name is Kei by the way. It's nice to meet you.」[/color] As Kei and Jimmy were getting introductions out of the way, another voice sounded out to the two of them. This time it was someone rather familiar looking to Kei, they hadn't personally met fully, but he knew the face. Upon hearing the words of utter evisceration Kei could not keep a laugh in for some reason that was hilarious to him, it just caught him so off guard that Kei just let out a very audible laugh. Wiping away tears from his eyes he recomposed himself, taking a deep breath he was finally able to stop the unexpected laugh. Looking towards the voice that wasn't Jimmy's he gave a small smile. [color=00a651]「Well I guess it is nice to meet you too.」[/color] [@aladdin_sane][@SgtEasy]