[@Fury Panda] Review's up. Feel free to PM me with any questions, comments, or concerns. [hider=Amit Patel] - Amit's name switches between Amit and Amid a few times. - He didn't speak to his father for years because of an argument over pre-assigned textbooks? And then, without a reason being explained, his dad took him to India last year on a three month vacation for some culture? I don't get if Amit's dad is supposed to be a workaholic asshole, a good dad in spite of his busy occupation, or if there are just a lot of inconsistencies in his family life. I'd like to see them clarified for a clearer view of Amit's relationship with his parents. - My biggest gripe about Amit is that he is a sheltered fish out of water, but that's not particularly emphasized. Despite having lived in India until he was eight, there is no mention of Indian culture, the political landscape of India at the time (Gaining independence from the [i]nation he's currently in[/i]), the Indian magical world, or anything like that. Do kids make fun of him, or is he a cool foreign kid? Does he miss dishes from home he won't find in the Hogwarts mess hall, or is he embarrassed of his culture? Currently we don't know, because Amit's personality is "He was a class clown, now he's straightened up." His name could be Arnie, and mentions of India in his bio changed to America, and he would feel just as foreign. Homie didn't play cricket? No Lattoo? No [i]Lagori[/i]? Having a character from another country opens a lot of opportunities to flesh out the magical world, and the only instance of this is that Amit ran into an Occamy a year ago. I don't need your character's dad to have a personal relationship with Mahatma Gandhi, but I'd like to see some emphasis on Amit being Indian.[/hider]