[center][h2][color=indianred]Sarah - Errands[/color][/h2][@Spiffy][@Xandrya][@Gardevoiran][@solokolos][/center] It felt like forever since the woman's life had been turned on its head. Behavior wasn't always the easiest thing to change. Though she had splintered off from her old gang she didn't entirely leave the life of crime. Being alone her tactics had to change some, doing much simpler things. Anyone that truly knew her though could tell that her heart wasn't exactly in it anymore. It was a weird dichotomy where she tried to hold on to her own life while being driven to combat it. And perhaps that was why she was still trying to do it. Trouble loved company and if she she stayed near it then Angel would be there to stop it. This was one of those situations where Sarah would normally try and skip town. She didn't want, nor did she ever really have the desire, to be a cape. And yet since her Parahuman potential realized she couldn't pull herself away from acting the part of one. Plus going somewhere else would just present problems elsewhere. Never a particularly religious person, the woman couldn't help but feel that someone up there was playing a joke on her by turning her into an angel. Hiding wasn't an option as she discovered early on. Each attempt only proved to intensify her derangement until she would become Guardian Angel and take to the skies. It was a miracle that she had yet to transform in front of anyone. But somehow she knew it was only a matter of time given how little control she had of her own mental faculties. Right now everything was as under control as could reasonably be expected. Even someone trying to lay low had to get out and just chill else go mad. Dressing casually in a hoodie and jeans she was just out to get things and breath. Living in fear was no way to go about so she had to at least attempt to have a normal life. Even mundane things seemed to have more value when basically everything could be uprooted in an instant. It was an ever present nagging that kept her on the lookout for trouble. Heading back to her place her walk was interrupted by a man approaching. It was a familiar face, one of the members of the gang she had been a part of. Though not one of the ones that had left her to fend for herself those months ago. His name was Chase, a wiry guy that looked like he could blow away if the wind kicked up enough. He spoke up as he moved in her path. [b]"Sar, whoa slow down for a minute."[/b] Sarah had planned to walk past but he clearly wasn't going to let her go that easily. [b]"Where've you been girl? Haven't seen you in awhile."[/b] A shrug was the response and the man shook his head. [b]"C'mon. Listen there's no hard feelings with you skipping out. But we really could use your help. All these Parafreaks put a lot of pressure on us. We had a good things going and you won't have to scrounge around so much."[/b] Stopping and switching the meager bag of goods she'd picked up on her time out to her other arm she huffed. [color=indianred]"I left for a reason Chase. I don't expect you to understand but I can't live like that anymore."[/color] Her typical hard expression drilled into her former comember. [b]"I'm just sayin'"[/b] Chase replied. [b]"But I do know you're still working jobs solo so you can't tell me you're really out."[/b] He smirked for a second but from experience knew trying to corner Sarah pissed her off and she wasn't a gentle sort of soul. So he knew about that. Suppose it wasn't surprising considering Sarah managed to fail on one of those jobs. News travels quick and only proved to make getting more work harder. [color=indianred]"That's my problem. You're just going to have to live with the reality that you're down a man."[/color] Heavy handedly she grabbed the man's shoulder and moved him aside. [b]"I know something's up. You haven't been yourself since you got jumped. Just tell me what's up and we can help you out!"[/b] Chase yelled after her. [color=indianred]"You wish! Stop wasting my time."[/color] She knew Chase probably wanted to press further, but he didn't want to also press his luck and get punched in the face or worse. Leaving wasn't exactly her first choice but really her only one at this moment. She still had some level of loyalty and being around just put the whole gang at risk. With that nuscience out of the way she resumed her walk home. The area of town she crashed in wasn't grand by any means. And going solo pretty much shot any chances of moving somewhere else. Would she survive? Probably, but it would be pretty tight for a while. Her route took her through some rival gang territory. Having been fairly low on the totem pole it wasn't likely that anyone would recognize her. But it was still a quicker path than going around and the longer she was out the more likely she would run into...trouble. Since this wasn't her turf she had been keeping an eye out. Activity in the area shouldn't have been that high at this moment. After all, The Community was having some big thing going on that probably had people scurrying about the city. Her train of thought was interrupted by a sound coming from around one of the warehouses. It was a brief clatter. Listening she could make out the faintest sound of movement. Pausing for a moment she wondered to herself if it was worth investigating. Dismissing the thought she opted to resume walking. Three steps, that was all she could take before a tingle started at the base of her skull. A voice echoed in her head. [color=khaki][i]Stay.[/i][/color] The single soft command halted the woman almost instantly. The source was her other persona, Angel. She wasn't so much her own person as she was Sarah's conscience on steroids. And that applied literally as much as it did figuratively. Thing was the angel had a way of overriding pretty much any action of Sarah's for the purpose of doing "...the right thing..." At least the command was just to stick around. If nothing happened then the woman could get back to her so called life.