Walking along, Desmond casually checked behind him on occasion to ensure nobody in Duking's house had saw him leave and decided to follow; Luckily, he got out of that easily. Heading towards the outskirts of town, Desmond's eyes locked onto two individuals walking his way; Yes, disguises that'd fool the masses, sure... But they were a bit clean. Too clean for trash that walked around in this dirty town all day. The male kicked a can out of his path, and within a few moments, the duo passed him. But all three of them stopped. "Heard anything?" Desmond questioned curiously, slowly turning to look at them. The duo turned to face him, the female speaking up: "Indeed. Something quite valuable," She teased, a smile crossing her face as she continued. "There's apparently an entrance close by. From what we've gathered, there's a large red rock south of the entrance to town. We'll be able to get into the Under from a hatch hidden under it. Alternatively, that old Cipher lab that got trashed? We could possibly find a way in there, as well." Desmond blinked. "Well, the hidden entrance is the obvious choice. It's close by." He said, figuring that was the route to take. "However, if there really are entrances in that old lab... It might be wise to send a team over there. It might not be safe to pop our heads back out here in Pyrite by the time this is over; So securing those routes would be ideal." "Shall I inform HQ?" The male questioned, flatly. "Once we're outside town. We don't need to risk any open ears overhearing anything." Desmond replied, as he walked past them. He adjusted his shades, smiling. "Let's move." The two started following, though the female spoke up again. "There was a man that was looking for that information. Looking for Cipher. He's just one man, but some caution would be a wise idea." Those words made Desmond remember what he had heard on the way to Duking's house. Just one man...? It couldn't be that trainer from before that stomped Cipher, could it? They said he'd been missing for a long time. Regardless, they had to go down there. Even if they had to fight a powerful trainer to do so. And besides... This was -one- guy. He couldn't take them all on. "Noted," Desmond responded, nonchalantly. "The faster we move, the less likely he is to get there before us. Keep up a good pace." The trio began moving towards the entrance of town, to hurry over to that large red rock to the south of the town's entrance. Desmond hoped to get in there before that man showed up; If he was gonna show up at all.