[center] w e l c o m e t o [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171217/05ad91871945c37bbd18353e112c28ac.png[/img] [b]S[/b]urveillance, [b]P[/b]rotection, [b]I[/b]nfiltration, and [b]G[/b]adgetry [b]A[/b]cademy [hr][h2] Premise [/h2] S.P.I.G.A. is an academy for budding spies founded in the 1500s by a group of agents working on the behalf of Queen Elizabeth to recruit new agents into their field to help undermine her opponents to the throne. (Fun fact- the school was formerly known as S.P.I.A.- the "gadgetry" part was added at a later date.) Built into a large manor, the Academy soon attracted too much attention and burnt to the ground in a fake fire. A new academy, which still stands today, was constructed on the unmapped location of Calladon Island. The Academy trains field agents for a variety of purposes around the world. The Academy is anonymous to all but those who have attended it and the highest government officials. A formerly open-for-application school, the Academy has since closed its doors to all but those who have been nominated by another. Due to limited attendance at the school, parents generally nominate their children to attend. A boarding school, S.P.I.G.A. prides itself on its luxurious campus and living spaces, but the school is not a breeze to move through. Featuring both difficult academic courses and rigorous spy training, the Academy also contains a surprise in the form of a potentially lethal yearly final exam. The young students are also considered international assets and can be sent on missions if the need arises. The need is yet to arise, but judging by the rising disrest in various countries across the globe, the young spies may find themselves in the field of war a little earlier than expected. The date is September 21st, 20XX, the traditional first days of school as students arrive to the island for a year of adventure, danger, and amazement. [hr][h2] The Academy [/h2][hr] S.P.I.G.A is located in the Atlantic Ocean, where weather varies greatly, rising up to around 100 degrees fahrenheit in the summer and stooping to as low as 20 in the winter. All activities of S.P.I.G.A takes place on Wardshire Castle, a massive structure on the isle of Calladon. [IMG]http://i64.tinypic.com/2h33e3m.jpg[/IMG] [h3] The Principality [/h3] The principal building where all classes are held is the largest part of the castle-like area, aptly named the Principality. This large building is the center of student life, with a dining hall, an expansive library, and a training facility for all student needs. Though S.P.I.G.A is designed to reflect the old days of castles and medieval knights and honor, many of the classrooms, especially for gadget-related classes, have very modernized interiors. [hider=classroom] [img]https://media.gettyimages.com/photos/small-modern-university-classroom-picture-id471447775[/img] [/hider] [h3] The Dorms [/h3] The dorms are separated into 4 sections, for freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Since all the characters here are freshmen, we should probably focus on that. All freshmen stay at the Whitley Building, a large stone structure not far from the Principality. At orientation, freshmen are divided into groups of 3, and genders are separated, though on rare occasions the board has allowed co-ed dorm rooms. Each dorm room has their own bathroom, and the freshman class (which has averaged 12-16 members per year) shares one large kitchen and living space. [hider=dorms] [IMG]https://enc.edu/app/uploads/2017/09/Munro_Single_DSC_0098.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]https://i.pinimg.com/474x/9e/de/b9/9edeb9186c8ac2d114e0990d0e4ccf55--large-kitchen-island-kitchen-reno.jpg[/img] [IMG]https://cdn.homedit.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/large-living-room-furniture-placement.jpg[/img] [/hider] More information will be added as it comes available. [hr][h2]Student Life[/h2][hr] S.P.I.G.A. has mandatory required classes in both traditional academics and espionage training, but there are plenty of other activities to do at the Academy other than busywork. A basketball court is located on ground, and a large lake at the edge of the campus makes the winter months more enjoyable. Students are allowed to bring a variety of items to the Academy. S.P.I.G.A. is probably the only school in the world that allows students to bring their own weapons, which they can use in training activities provided that the guns are loaded with rubber bullets and that other lethal weapons are properly taken care of. Students are allowed to bring spare clothes, but S.P.I.G.A. required uniforms be worn during school hours. [hider=uniformio] [img]https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1zWk2RFXXXXaAaXXXq6xXFXXXe/children-s-school-uniform-clothing-and-long-sleeved-chorus-of-primary-school-students-reading-British-japanese.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hr][h2]Rules and Form[/h2][hr] [b] Be Respectful: Golden Rule[/b] 1. I am God, and whatever I say goes. If you have a suggestion, you’re free to make it, but don’t complain about what I do. I will remove you. 2. If you have a problem with somebody else, take it to the DMs, not the RP. We will sort it out. 3. If you don’t participate for more than a week, you will be removed. 4. If you need to leave the RP, let me know and we will find a resolution for your character. 5. Please stay within the constraints of the form. You can add little tidbits here and there, but don't deviate drastically. 6. I expect 1-2 paragraphs per post. 7. PG-13 rating, no smut please. There will be blood and stuff, but no extensive gore descriptions or photos, please. 8. No more than 2 characters, provided you can handle them both. 9. Have fun. That’s what this thing is about, at any rate. And now, the glorious, glorious form. [hider=stoodent application] {Appearance Image Here, realistic only} [i]quote here: optional[/i] [h3] General Information [/h3] [b]Name:[/b] [i]About as obvious as can be. Full.[/i] [b]Nickname/Alias:[/b] [i]what they prefer to be called. Not mandatory.[/i] [b]Age:[/b] [i]Either 14 or 15. Birthday can go here too.[/i] [b]Gender:[/b] [i]Are you a boy? Or a girl?[/i] [b]Home Country[/b]: [i]What country is your character from? Can be basically any semi-modern country.[/i] [b]Appearance:[/b] [i]A written one goes here. Doesn't need to be an essay, but substance.[/i] [h3] Personal Information [/h3] [b]Personality:[/b] [i]I expect at least 2 paragraphs here.[/i] [b]Bio:[/b] [i]I expect at least 2 paragraphs here as well.[/i] [h3]Spy Information[/h3] [b]Talents:[/b][i] Hopefully your char has some, or its gonna be a helluva year for them. [/i] [b]Gadgetry:[/b] [i]Unique weapons or spy gear. Think near future tech.[/i] [b]Other Items:[/b][i] Non-espionage items.[/i] [h3]Other Information[/h3] [i]Add anything you’d like here. That wasn't covered above, obviously, or it wouldn’t be ‘other.’[/i] [/hider] More info will be added as it comes available. [/center]