[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/uaANz0C.png?1[/img][/center][hr][hr] The collision sent Ella tumbling to the ground, her dear horse falling with her. She landed on her side in a manner that knocked the wind from her lungs, coughing a few times in response. Her side flared up in pain and she suspected a broken rib, but now was not the time to dwell on simple injuries. She quickly clambered over to the native man that was in close proximity to herself, taking cover behind a knocked over barrel. It wasn’t perfect, but it’d serve for the next few seconds. [quote=Taheton Alosaka] [color=ed1c24]"Miss, I would suggest hauling ass out of here on that horse of yours."[/color] [/quote] Ella nodded in acknowledgement, but not necessarily in agreement. [color=8dc73f]“Appreciate the suggestion, but I ain’t runnin’ anymore.”[/color] She wasn’t gonna run from this fight. Dawson’s gang had fucked with her for the last time. It was time to strike back. As soon as a moment presented itself, she slid over to her horse and ripped out the Model 1876. With a quick crank of the lever-action she quickly took aim down the sights fired a single .45-70 round at one of the cavalry men, sending him falling to the ground. With a practiced hand she re-cocked the gun once again and took another shot at a fleeing goon, striking him right in the leg. [color=8dc73f]“I hate to be the realist here, but I doubt we can take Dawson’s entire gang righ’ here, righ’ now.”[/color] She called out to her new-found allies, hoping that they had some sense to flee while they could. Ella snatched her fallen hat from underneath her trusty steed and placed it back upon her head before grabbing a pistol from yet another fallen goon. She split the pistol and glanced at the chambers. Four shots. Good enough for her. With a quick moment to take aim Ella let of a barrage of the remaining four rounds, her off hand slamming down on the gun to re-cock it after each shot. After it ran dry, she threw it aside and unslung her rifle from her shoulder, letting off another three shots in rapid succession at the remaining goons, only two of which met their marks. It was almost a perfect fight thus far, they had yet to have a casualty. She was about to duck back into cover when a shot rang out in her direction. Ella cried out as a round clipped the outside of her thigh, sending her down to the ground. Leaving one hand over the now bleeding wound she used her other to try and drag herself back towards the bar. It was amazing how hard everything became to do after she’d been shot. It took all over her effort just to reach the from porch of the bar before she gave in and leaned back against the wall, gritting her teeth in pain. It was going to be a long day.