[h2]Bawen Coridell[/h2] It took all of Bawen’s mental strength not to teleport as arms wrapped around him. Between the rapid fire commentary and the sudden physical contact (and subsequent movement), he barely had time to register his assailant as human. The fact that Mr. Milit had decided to wheel him over to the object of his unbridled contempt did little to sooth him, and he briefly considered politely objecting to the act. It would be wrong to do so, but he considered it nonetheless. [color=#00FFFF]”My name is not Bo Peep Mr. Bayamaar.”[/color] Bawen says, the tweet of Marks whistle breaking him out of the stunned daze the sudden introductions had left him in. [color=#00FFFF]”It’s Bawen Coridell.”[/color] He adds flatly, pointedly ignoring the offer the shake hands with as much indifference as he could muster. [color=#00FFFF]”And despite Mr. Milit’s suggestion to the contrary, kind as it was, I frankly have zero interest in befriending either of you.”[/color] [color=#00FFFF]”The Dog’s mere presence in a room drags down the collective IQ by a good 40 points and, If I’m being entirely honest, is nearly enough to sunder my very soul with disdain.”[/color], he huffs, electing to ignore Mark’s ‘beast spirit’ comment for the moment. He turns his gaze to Berke. [color=#00FFFF]”As for yourself...I find you’re overt friendliness off putting. Contempt by association is also not an inconsiderable factor.”[/color] He takes a step back from the trio as best he can. [color=#00FFFF]”Now, Mr. Milit. If this introduction was all you needed, would you care terribly if I returned to my previous seat?”[/color] He asks with a small servile nod. [@HokumPocus] [@ghastlyInc] [@Avant]