Meesei had to hold back a sigh when she saw Sabine's eyes on the staff. It was challenging to get her to focus on anything else except what happened to her, and the staff that had been used on her during her torture. It was frustrating, but Meesei was patient. Still, it was clear that the staff was going to be a problem. Meesei lifted up the staff in her hand and looked at it in silence for only a moment before, quite suddenly, turning back and throwing it with a fair amount of strength and just a slight bit of telekinetic guidance to make sure it landed where she wanted: out of sight behind the Dragon. Despite the Staff of Magnus being perhaps the most valuable item Meesei had held in her life, she tossed it with all the care of a worthless stick. "Sabine, do not worry about the staff right now. It is not important right now; we are alone here, and we are safe here." Meesei said with complete confidence. "Just...stop a moment. Close your eyes, take a breath. I want you to try and think back many years, a long time ago. Back to when you were just a child in my pack. You had your pain then, your secrets, your scars. You have had those scars in your mind for as long as I have known you, but you have not had to carry their weight on your shoulders for well over a decade now. The Hist helped you, but they did not help you by erasing those memories. They helped you gather the strength to move past it. I want you to try to think back to the Hist, and your experience with them all those years ago. What do you think it was that helped you?"