Evvie was concerned for the winged allies safety, thinking about what she could do to help when all of a sudden thoughts that weren’t hers filled her head instead and interrupted her. Her flapping stuttered from the surprise, almost causing her to dip into the electrified water before she could recover her altitude. She had no idea who had invaded her mind at first although pieced together that it was the person who had attacked from behind. [color=00a651]“I’m sure I can damage him however I want,”[/color] she thought matter of factly, not overly fond of taking orders from others, especially random people she didn’t know, and being in a rather foul mood due to how the battle had gone so far. She flapped in closer but didn’t engage in melee range yet because her fire breath may indeed be the best option and she didn’t want to get friendly fired in the coming attack. Her eyes carefully focused on the two below her to see if the two separated so she could get a better opening. She regretted her tone but couldn’t apologize right now. She took a deep breath to ready herself for her attack which would come as soon as the opening was achieved. If the two remained together she’d have no choice but to drop down and get a better angle to only hit the splatterer more from the side.