Linkle crossed her arms over her chest, her green tunic bright against her pale skin. She frowned in irritation, used to dealing with Mido's attitude. It wasn't a secret that Mido didn't like them, he might even be jealous of them because they were so different. Linkle couldn't be sure, but she knew something was going on. No one was simply that mean, right? [color=palegreen]"You know Mido, you're not [i]actually[/i] the boss of us. But since you seem so set on the idea Grumpy, we'll play it your way,"[/color] Linkle said with a shake of her head. She placed her hands on her hips, balling them into fists.[color=PaleGreen]"What do we need to do to get past you? Because the Great Deku Tree specifically asked to see us, so eventually we will [i]have[/i] to get past you."[/color] Mido looked shocked, and Linkle smiled wickedly.[color=PowderBlue]"The Great Deku Tree has summoned [i]YOU?![/i] I don't believe it for a second, why would he summon [i]you?[/i]"[/color] [color=PaleGreen]"Hey, your guess is as good as mine,"[/color]Linkle said with a shrug.[color=palegreen]"So, can we go?[/color] [color=PowderBlue]"Be that as it may, I certainly can't let you into the Deku Tree's presence without you first being dressed properly. You have to equip a [i]sword[/i] and [i]shield[/i] first,"[/color] Mido said with a serious look. [color=PaleGreen]"... Why? That doesn't make any sense,"[/color] Linkle said in confusion. [color=PowderBlue]"I will not let you past until you have equipped the proper sword and shield!!"[/color]Mido screeched. [color=PaleGreen]"Okay okay, sheesh,"[/color]Linkle said and dropped her hands, turning to look at Sheik. [color=palegreen]"Well now what?" [/color]