The nun(?) took a moment to examine Archer with a careful eye, as though assessing her. A faint smile ghosted across her lips before she inclined her head. "What a confident time-lost lamb. A doll, is it?" She touched a hand to her cheek before arching a brow slightly. "Well. You aren't wrong, certainly. I wonder who you are, lost lamb, to be so... [i]polite[/i] to your Master." While Archer examined the cathedral, it did occur to her that her grandfather had almost seen the Temple of Solomon, and indeed, had taken as ransom much of that glorious structure's gold and decorations. That had been [i]before[/i] her father and uncles had murdered him, of course, but there had been signs even at the time that some curse had struck her grandfather. Karen's voice broke her out of her contemplation. "But to ask such a question would be most rude of me. As to your other question, well..." She lifted a finger to her lips, her now-characteristic small smile briefly hiding behind it. "You would ask a member of the Church to violate the confidence of those who seek her out?" After a moment, she lowered her finger, shaking her head. "But then again, I am no priest, and cannot hear confessions. In answer to your question, the two lost lambs from earlier were not quite like you. They sought out answers, of course, but I could not offer them. I [i]did[/i] refer them to Father Josef, though." The dissonantly matter-of-fact tone that she used made the pair wonder whether there was something more to her answer, but she seemed content to let them wonder, at least for the moment.