Honestly, I'm not sure. In order for an RP to get off to a great start, I have to nail the opening. Those I have in mind don't cut it. * We're a pack of wyvern riders diving into the battlefield. To justify that kind of high-flying adrenaline rush, the RP would become something like Xenoblade Chronicles 2, in which the main adventure takes place in the sky. It could work, but I don't have any lore prepared for that whatsoever. * We're a squad of knights fighting a courageous battle against evil! Given the dragon's motivations, though, this could turn very dark very quickly. If we wanted to keep the themes upbeat, either the enemies are unambiguously evil (which weakens our villains and lowers the stakes), or it's a heartwarming story of redemption (which I suck at writing). * We're a group of heroes gathered together to stop the dragon. How were we gathered? By letter, individual request, by coincidence? Why were we gathered? By orders from above? Because we were asked to? Where were we gathered? On the battlefield? At a council? To court? When were we gathered? All at once? One at a time? I haven't the faintest idea. Did everyone get a letter summoning them here? I did that RP already. Not repeating that. Perhaps a Gandalf-figure recruits us one by one into the party? It could be weeks, months even, before everyone gets to play together, because writing enough story to reach each new player can take forever. Additionally, procrastination, writer's block, and player-dropping could stop this thing cold. Not gonna open that can of worms. Moreover, none of the openings I'm imagining have my blood pumping, and that's really bad. As mentioned earlier, I have to really nail it if this RP is to have a chance at lasting.