Dead tired from shoveling a truckload of snow off of my lawn, but I'm working on the post. [quote=@Mr Rage] I have been thinking about a possible second character, if such a thing were allowed? They would play the part of a support. The general idea would be that of a mobile/remote shield generator. The werk would have low armor and move fast, its primary function would be to generate light energy shields for front line units. That, or a long range repair. Sniper rifle loaded with nano-machines... Think Ana from overwatch. I feel another support character would help to round out the overall group, as well as make divided missions a little easier, too. Shrugs, just a thought. [/quote] For some reason I didn't notice this, so I'm responding to it now. Additional characters from the same poster are allowed, like Jake. Ranged repair sounds fine as an idea; less effective than Caretaker's Eden drones, but would allow recovery in even heated situations thanks to not putting the repair unit itself at risk. And hey, more supports never hurt.