[center][h2]Tommy Johnson|Enroute to the Atana Mountains[/h2][/center] With his newly hatched Axew ready to begin training after she had watched his other Pokemon doing so for about half an hour, Tommy joined them, helping Xena work on Scratch with a piece of wood he'd gotten earlier, chuckling at it's efforts to match the work of the other Pokemon. But he was still young, so despite his best efforts, he wouldn't quite measure up for a little while until he was a bit older. As he set the wood up to go and call Cici, two more evolutionary glows enveloped his team, first Epsilon and then Jerus. Tommy stared, slack jawed, as Ivysaur and Kirlia emerged from the lights and couldn't help but grin. Now this was a sure fire sign they were getting stronger, and he couldn't wait to tell Cici. Picking up his cellphone, he dialed her number, waiting on his fellow musician to pick up. And as he thought about music, his eyes drifted to his trumpet case and he smiled softly. As much as he wanted to get stronger, he knew he couldn't neglect his favorite hobby forever, so he decided to play a couple of songs after talking to Cici. [hr] [hider=Notes] Tommy: TP: 141+5=146 CP: 51+1=52 Pokemon: [color=SteelBlue]Froakie: Amica, Female-level 21+3=24[/color] [color=DarkGreen]Bulbasaur: Epsilon, Male-level 19+3=22[/color] [color=SaddleBrown]Eevee: Beta, Male-Level 13+3=16[/color] [color=DeepPink]Ralts: Jerus, Male-Level 17+3=20[/color] [color=GoldenRod]Gible: Sharktooth, Female-Level 13+3=16[/color] [color=B95C0E]Axew: Xena, Female-Level 4+3=7[/color] Inventory: 3/10 Poke Ball x3 [/hider]