You've never felt the visceral panic of complete and utter upheaval, the destruction of a life you once knew and transition into a life you're completely unfamiliar with. That feeling never really subsides, you just sort of ignore it and fall straight into your fight or flight response. You're nothing more than a monkey with anxiety, they can't unteach that, they can just hide it deep down inside. LeeRoy's hair blew wildly against the wind, beard flecked with frost and waving viciously. Straight into his face was the wind blowing, forcing his eyes to narrow into thin blades of white hidden among the redness of his cold agonized face. Paranoia had set in, his eye glanced sharply from the left to right and he gripped his spears tightly in both hands. One spear in each hand was facing forward, one spear was facing backwards. Thin stone blades pointing forward and back, his club hug on his hip and the broad flat piece of wood was strapped to his back. His feet shod in work boots slogged through the snowfall and his heart rate was high, so loud that he could hear it in his ears. Paranoia made every shadow a menace, a beast that he needed to flee. Instead of fear, however, he deluded himself into anger. The heavy heart rate made his face burn hot in the cold wind, his fingers gripped white knuckle tight around the wrapped spears. Each wind through the trees, each crack of wood, every stone and twig was his enemy. LeeRoy's irrational mind was unconsciously and consciously prepared to lash out aggressively. The darkness of night and the solemn white of snow made a clean cut of earth from sky and his vision was slight. Nothing about this situation was safe so his nerves were on edge. The thick clothes weren't helping much either, his face and fingers were still burning with the cold. Pain and nerves were putting him off the deep end, further and further every moment that passed.