Heeeeeeeeeey sorry for being late to the party with this one: [@Sickle-cell] Why does Conflux's persuasion ability work in the power nullification field? However she's exerting her will, it seems like it would be coming from where she's standing (in the audience, which is within the nullification field), not from where the target is standing (in the arena, where the field is absent). Even if it is based on where the target is, Tony is in the field, and so should be unaffected. Since we're on the subject, I didn't speak up when you first brought in your two mindcontrol characters, but if there's any reason I'm going to quit this RP, know that it's highly likely to be them. Mind control is a concept that's been captured over and over in games successfully, but the "there's no save from this you just have to do what the person says for the convenience of plot" has never been one of those working solutions. I won't make too much of a stink about it here, since it's not affecting me, but keep them away from my characters. If you're looking for suggestions in making that sort of power work better: * Make it require the use of someone's true name. This makes the use of this ability due to a player's failure to keep such important information secret. Don't magically pull a character's true name out of your butt without giving the player some method of defense against its discovery. * Provide a saving throw: literal dice would work here, with a reasonable difficulty arranged by you and the player. Let the player roll the dice. * Make it require Concentration. This would make a team effective against these targets. Up the number of concurrent concentrations and difficulty breaking concentration based on intended threat level. * Limit uses per day. Make small commands use a small portion of this pool, and large ones a large portion. Increase pool size based on intended threat level. * Create a link between the caster and the target: any negative affects on the target are transferred directly to the caster. Lop off the controlled character's head, you killed the caster, too. Basically, mind control powers need interaction and counterplay. If you're using mind control and don't know how the players can defeat it, you're using it wrong. You're going to create a lot of power escalation as players try to kill the threat. And they will, since the threat is not just threatening the character's wellbeing, but also their sanctity as "their character." Killing it is the only available method of interaction, so players will take it. Mind control characters are the enemy of fun: this is good to use if you [i]want[/i] the players going all out to stop them, less so if you intend to keep your mind control character around. References: Myself, a player of many games and professional game designer at Firaxis. We make XCOM: we know all about difficult but fun gameplay ;)