Mao Industries. It was only the third time that Hazel had actually gotten to come here. First was when she had been offered use of the TT, second had been for its outfitting and pick up, and now for briefing. It was [i]exciting[/i]. Not the briefing, the briefing would be very, very boring. But being at Mao HQ was exciting. Not as exciting as when she had gotten to visit (some [limited, under escort]) portions of the facilities, but just being there was exciting. Obviously no one famous would just be hanging around the lobby. But that didn't mean she wasn't looking. Lots of the heroes of the L5 campaign worked here, or at least had their machines built here. She might get lucky. She was pretty sure she might have caught a glimpse of one on her last visit, but it was at a distance and hard to tell. She was digressing from the point, however. The brown-haired pilot was one of the first through the doors, one hand in her pocket and the other holding her PDA. Made it easier to chime in if she needed to. Not that there was anything worth saying. She could spot their contact pretty easily, seeing as she was the one with a briefcase watching the door. The mute settled for tapping one of her compatriots on the shoulder to get their attention before she altered course to head for the couch. For all her excitement internally her outward expression was neutral bordering on disinterested, only mitigated by the way her eyes roamed the lobby. As if looking for something. Never knew what you might find. She hefted her PDA, tapped a few keys, and paused with a frown. Then backspaced and re-tapped. [color=a0410d]"Miss Sadb,"[/color] It chirped mechanically, seemingly the mute girl's greeting. She frowned again, a little, as though considering whether or not to 'say' anything more. It was doubtful their contact knew sign language. And she disliked holding extended conversations through the PDA. Still, something seemed appropriate. If she made a friend in Mao, maybe she could visit again... [color=a0410d]"Have you worked here long?"[/color]