GM watched calmly as Euclid ran away. Yup, just watched. He wasn’t so much in the mood for a chase anymore. His thoughts had already turned to his need to return to his lair and re-design Rin – create a Rin 2.0 of sorts… Until he remembered that the roleplayer who’d just ran off was actually kind of important. “Wait… was I supposed to bring him back myself? Or just keep him alive for the time being?” he asked himself aloud. “Meh, I’ll ask.” And in a flash of violet, he vanished almost instantaneously. --- A moment later, GM appeared in another roleplay setting, in the presence of the beast known as Bellua. He perched just outside of the creature’s reach. “Hey Bela, where’s Edward?” he greeted, before bursting into laughter, literally rofling. “I’m kidding.” He continued, sitting up again. “I know you’re more of a Team Jacob person. Why else would you be so interested in a wolf like me?” GM rose to his feet and whipped his shirt off over his head, growling playfully before continuing onto his reason for stopping by. “So uh… That deal between us. What was it you wanted me to do for you, exactly? Was I supposed to bring the kid here or did you want to hunt him yourself? My memory’s been failing me lately.” --- Muse grinned, impressed with how well Jacklyn coped with the situation at hand. “I like you.” He told her, before responding to the rest of what she had to say. “Well, I think this RP is more of a sandbox.” He explained. “But even if it wasn’t, the plots don’t really concern us here. We’re just visitors. It’s kind of like time travel; every time you see it in movies or TV shows they always say you’re not supposed to interfere with big historical events. Us being here works pretty much the same way. We can interact with the worlds and people but the overarching plots of the RP’s are not ours to control.” He clarified. “Besides! Why bother with the plots of individual roleplays when we got way bigger fish to fry, you know?” His attention then turned to the door Jacklyn had opened for them. “Well we [i]could[/i] go through the girls’ dorms… but I don’t want to cause a commotion. How often do you think men get inside there?”