Stewart's face contorted into one of pure irritation, seeing how many people began to piggy back of his rare kindness, but that guy wrapped in shrapnel made since. It was time to get out before they were swarmed by...whatever those things were. Taking a deep breath, he relaxed his shoulders and turned around from the group of folks and began to walk quickly towards the direction of the parking lot, leaving them to catch up whenever they wanted or felt like. His car wouldn't be able to hold this many people, but to hell with it. They'll deal that when they get there and to be fairly honest, he couldn't care less if he left any of them behind. They were strangers for fuck sake. "Yeah... Let's just get out before things get even more fucked up and hopeless." He adjusted his glasses and sighed, thinking about this whole situation, but, hopefully it'll be a lot easier now that he's found himself in a group of people that seem sane enough.