Turn into a gun so one of the heavy artillery mechs in our line up can use another gun for when their gun isn't big enough. It's like, "Yo Dawg, I heard you like guns, so I made you a werk that turns into a gun so your werk can use a werk that is a gun, while it uses a gun." I have a few different character ideas that I have been playing with. But a support role seems to be the most needed of the ideas I have been working with. So I will work to flush out those ideas. I actually already have most of the idea worked out for the shield generator that I mentioned, but I can, if I have enough xp for a second system build the nano-machine healz into the other idea too... ponders ponders... Well, lets roll a sync/xp for a 20 year old and see how we do, if you don't mind. [hider=Maria and Ojo- pending completion and approval] Name: Maria Fullbright, AKA Princess [hider=Appearance:][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/ce/71/b0/ce71b05260087e6d9f162d395e9a2b0f--character-concept-art-character-design.jpg[/img][/hider] Gender: Female Age: 20 Experience: Synchronization Rate: Personality: Maria is confident, though untested. Often views herself as better than those around her, but committed to the cause and follows orders with little concern for much more than the safety of her home planet, and those of the people that she is partnered with. Background: Maria Fullbright is a princess, and will make sure you know it. Her planet is located well within human territories and so far is safe from any immediate threat of Cruxi attack, however, she and the rest of her Royal family believe that the best way to protect the planet is to get involved in the problem early. Three of the five siblings have served or are currently serving. Her oldest brother did not join the cause, as to be able to stay safe and claim the throne when it is time, and the youngest sister who has not yet had a chance to serve. The oldest sibling to serve was her sister Anna, who died in combat shortly after taking the field in her first mission. Then there is Maria, and lastly is the younger brother Vincent who is currently in officers academy and has strong prospects of commanding a strike vessel. Maria has such a 'Princess' attitude about everything that the man who designed her werk, Hajima Tetsudo, named it after her in his families native tongue, "Ojo" meaning princess. Notable Deaths: Her older Sister Anna, KIA. Other things: Maria comes from a wealthy, technologically advanced planet, whose royal family has made considerable donations to the war effort in financial aid, technology development, and raw materials. Her home planet is called Praxis V, and is often used as an example of what being a good universal citizen should aspire to do. Maria is even used as a poster child and appears in several propaganda films asking for others to follow her Father's lead. As such, most everybody who isn't from a deep space rock will recognize her. She resents any implication that she is only where she is because of pandering to her family and will routinly volunteer to support some of the riskiest missions because of it. Framewerk Code Name: Ojo [hider=Appearance:][img]https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-_qGTdxb3xAk/VP7YXVldBzI/AAAAAAAFKIE/aYZSo2nj5Ag/s1600/mg%2Bstargazer%2Bgundam%2B(1).jpeg[/img][/hider] Number of Framewerk Systems: Signature Weapon System: [hider=Graviton Deflector Array AKA Stargazer] The GDA is an experimental propulsion and defense system, using extremely powerful magnets harvested from superdense star systems. The GDA was originally designed for deep space exploration where fuel sources maybe non-existent. By aligning the magnets with bodies with greater mass (stars primarily) in the direction that Ojo is set to travel in, the GDA is then able to push and pull the werk in that direction simultaneously. Similarly, the GDA is capable of pushing projectiles off of their course and away from Ojo or other targets, keeping them Safe - Given enough time the pilot can redirect attacks to specified directions to avoid redirecting the attack into an ally, or even forcing the projectile to strike an enemy target. With its intended purpose for deep space travel, the longer Ojo travels in one direction, the faster the werk will travel, but this will almost never come into play in a real combat situation.[/hider] Secondary Weapon System: [hider=orbital deflectors][img] https://img00.deviantart.net/a3a6/i/2011/325/2/e/gsx_401fw_stargazer_by_kouses-d4gx0ju.jpg[/img] Ojo can launch a device that will attach to a werk that releases a set of three orbital deflectors. These deflectors will orbit around the werk their controller is attached to and intercepts incoming attacks. Due to the nature of these deflectors, they are fairly ineffective against melee attacks and explosives, however, most physical and energy attacks will either be destroyed or deflected away from the target. Once the last of the three orbiters is destroyed the controller unit will detach. If the attached unit does not have a friendly RF code broadcasting, the orbiters will not activate.[/hider] Weight Class: Light Special Ability: Unknown [/hider] Other concepts that I have been playing with, for inquiring minds (i.e. feel free to use them or be inspired by them): - A werk that requires two pilots to effectively operate it, and using twins for best results (twins have best syncs, duh... until they hit their teens, then things get shaky...) - A long-range healer, as previously mentioned, something inspired heavily on by the functionality of Ana from Overwatch. - A MechaDragon, because why not, those are sooooo cooooooooooool... Ahem, anyways. That's as far as I got on this idea.