[center][h2]Tony Nicholson[/h2] [h3]Circus Maximus[/h3][/center] Still annoyed that so much money was lost, Tony hands her the small check, hastily written down for the needed amount. Even though Sickle said that Tony would get any money that would be made from this, he knew for a fact that he wouldn't pay for any losses - That's not the way Tony rolled. He wouldn't work for someone and not get paid, no matter who the asshole that orders him around is- Breathing calmly, Tony realized he really needed some fresh air - as soon as Sickle came back inside, he'd feel safe exiting and breathing a little. The woman got her ticket, and Tony silently prayed that she lost - when people saw that she came with sickle, a lot of people already betted on her. Of course she didn't - apparently, Sickle and his little buddies were the toughest guys around... Tony was really glad that he wasn't real deep in the Wonderland. The following matches, luckily, filled Tony's pockets slightly - They went by relatively stress-free on Tony's part, and it wasn't until the beginning of the final match that anything occurred - a woman, oddly dressed even for the weirdos that hung out around here, approached him, just as he was about to begin the last match's announcement. [color=00a651]"Lady, I'm kinda busy here, you should have taken a bet before the ma-"[/color] She cut him off, and upon doing so, Tony found himself without the microphone - the next thing that filled him was rage. This slut [i]dared[/i] to come up, while Tony was having a god awful night, take his goddamn microphone, and use her power on him. How the hell could she even use her power - Tony had never heard of another person being able to use it while within the field... Still, it was less the fact jealous that she could use her power. She had embarrassed him, in front of the massive crowd of criminals and scumbags - any sense of respect and power he held over these thugs was lost the second she placed her hand on his cheek. Thoughts quickly rushed thorough his head, and His hand made it's way to the cool metal in his jacket - he stopped himself quickly, however, and made his way from the area. He was about to shoot that woman in the back of the head - this place was god awful. Tony stood right next to the exit, only waiting to see what would happen - understanding that this woman had some sort of mind-manipulation, he prepared to plug his ears the second she opened her mouth. Or, this was what Tony planned to do, until he heard her say the last line. As soon as heard that, Tony slowly opened the door, and quickly slipped out of the building. He couldn't give less of a shit - Tony wasn't risking his life for a couple bucks, especially after how crap the bets had been so far. Tony began to quickly make his way back home, moving as swiftly as he could without appearing suspicious. Breathing gratefully, Tony felt the lump in his stomach fill as he left the nullification field - He would have felt even better, had he not been fearing for his life.