With everybody else on the ship busy with their own affairs whether it was interacting with friends or family or possibly working, Cecil kept to himself in a small corner of the ship. It was very rare for him to be cornered by so many people all at one time, but according to some people he had met on his way this was the only way to get across the water. They must’ve been someone who was well versed in travel to be able to tell him where he was supposed to go because they gave him a map and everything. Sure, they laughed at him for not understanding that he was able to go on something like this to cross a huge body of water, but at least they were kind enough to give him a map and a ticket to board. It was a slow, rocky method of travel. There was so much out there that he didn’t know of and this had definitely surprised him the most: a large contraption that was capable of floating on water with many people and things all kept inside it. It was fascinating how it could keep afloat, but asking why it was possible was probably going to make him look suspicious. He didn’t want to stand out, especially when he was suspicious enough already. To people he was simply a kid who had been incredibly unlucky in life, but such a thing wasn’t unheard of. There was always the odd fight or several that came with injuries, so there was the assumption that he had been given a second chance with technology. While this was all assumptions he had picked up while travelling from others who asked him, none were correct; in fact, he was lacking anything organic. Cecil was a Machina, but nothing on the outside told anyone what he actually was. He acted like a Muran, looked like a Muran and spoke like a Muran. Even as he sat in the corner analysing a map to plan his journey he looked rather focused on his own business while showing mild interest in what others around him was doing. Everybody seemed to be either having a great time or feeling rather jaded as their mental state shifted lower as they became exhausted from the journey so far. He couldn’t feel any of these emotions, not because he wasn’t capable but because everything was so new to him it all held a sense of curiosity to him. He didn’t have time to feel excited about all these people, nor did he have time to feel curious about why some were showing signs of sadness. Once he got off the ship he had to try and figure out what route he was going to take when there was two large settlements in two different directions that he could head to first. He needed the safest route possible and one where he could find shelter if he needed to, especially when poor weather was making his joints feel kind of bad. He needed to find some oil or something, but out here it seemed like a rarity. Cecil couldn’t remember where he came from. He was just aware that his journey held very little resources for him, apparently he was too far from the cities to find what he was looking for. Technology wasn’t a big thing this far out, but maybe once he got across the water he would get lucky. Folding up his map he slowly slid it in to his top as he stood up, thinking he should at least see what it was like up top. Water was dangerous and he had already been told that ‘a kid like him shouldn’t be wandering around by himself’ but he was curious. Heading on up and out it didn’t appear to be an immediate bother at least. There was a few people up on deck, he didn’t know what their jobs were but a few were chilling out. All around the ship was just water which was certainly unsettling but somewhat intriguing. It was so much water for one area, he couldn’t help but wonder how deep it was. A thought like that was probably a bad idea, he could easily get too bold and think he could check it out only to get stuck sinking to the very bottom; still, it was rather curious to him. Wandering over to the edge he peered in to the water, staring at it with fascination.