[h1][center]TAMRIEL IN TURMOIL[/center][/h1] "In the year 249 of the Third Era, a pretender to the ancient throne of the Camorans appeared, and with mundane and Daedric allies, stormed across Valenwood, destroying all who stood against him. The Bosmer were slow to unite against the threat, many too terrified to stand against the Camoran Usurper and some delighted that they were being freed, however violently, from the perceived yoke of the Empire. This minority grew as the Usurper's power did, and once he had consolidated his power in Valenwood, he turned his attentions northward. It took nearly two decades of tyranny before Valenwood found the strength to shrug off Haymon Camoran's rule." ―Imperial Geographic Society Welcome to Tamriel in Turmoil! This roleplay focuses on the universe of The Elder Scrolls game series, your characters are free to travel to any region but they must do a bunch of things which we will get on soon. The roleplay will located in Hammerfell. The players were caught by mercenaries of The Camoran Usurper and meet a wood elf who helps and rescues them. [hr] [center][h3]Skills[/h3][/center] Skills have different effects, it may be boosted when you are a certain race[list] [*]Melee- Ability to wield melee weapons. [*]Block- Ability to properly block an attack. [*]Archery- Ability to shoot a bow. [*]Alchemy- Can be used for potions and poisons, profit can be also be made by selling [*]Speechcraft- Ability to barter,taggle,intimidate and persuade people [*]Destruction- Cast Deadly Spells [*]Restoration- Ability to heal wounds or injuries [*]Conjuration- Ability to summon daedra from Oblivion. You may bring back the dead but... Redguards won't like that. [*]Alteration- Ability to alter things, such as making an armor from an aura [*]Heavy Armor- Ability to use heavy armor [*]Light Armor- Ability to use light armor [*]Forging- Ability to forge weapons [*]Enchanting- Ability to implant magic into different weapons [*]Lockpick- Unlock things with lockpick tools [*]Pickpocket- "Fish" some valuables off pockets [/list] 5 points is the max. skill cap [hr] Alright so the when choosing a race you get boosted skills every skill start in one point, if it is one point you do not need to place it at the skills part of the CS You have 3 points that you can invest, skills will go up without being invested in if it matches your race. [hr] Dark Elves gets +1 to destruction and +1 to light armor +1 alchemy +1 sneak (+5 looking like a theif) High Elf gets +1 to restoration +1 to destruction +1 to illusion +1 Enchanting (And +10 being bullied by Everyone) Argonian gets +1 lockpicking +sneak +1 light armor (And being called lizzard by guards) Bretib- gets +1 conjuration +speech +1 restoration Wood Elf= gets +1 archery +1 sneak +1 pickpocket +light armor Imperial- gets +melee +1 restoration +1 destruction Khajiit- get 1+sneak 1:pickpocket 1lockpick +1 melee (And not being trusted due to skooma) Nord- gets +1 melee +1heavy armor +1 speech Redguard- gets +1 melee +1 block +1 archery Orsimer- +1heavy armor +1 melee +1 one smithing [hider=CS] [b]NAME[/b] [b]RELIGION[/b] [b]AGE[/b] [b]RACE[/B] [B]HISTORY[/B] [B]SKILLS[/B](You have three skills invest points) [b][HISTORY[/b] [/hider] The Dice rolls will be in the first page of IC