[hr][hr][center][img]https://s23.postimg.org/h6shths5n/virginia.png[/img] [img]https://s14.postimg.org/o19huchjl/virginia.gif[/img][hr][color=9999ff][b]Location[/b][/color]: the Mournweald Estate --> Russian Imperial Circus Tent City (Regent's Park)[/center][hr][hr] James laughed with glee - why hadn't Virginia told him that the circus was family? Virginia had just informed him once more that only Crypts knew the dance and so, if the Great Bazhooli could teach it to him, he must be a Crypt. He always loved hearing about the big family gatherings. He supposedly had gone to one before, but he didn't remember it. He insisted that Alfred had stolen his memory, since Alfred was getting too old and needed some of James' memories in order to keep track of everything. The explanation hardly made sense to anyone except for the five year old. "Tatushka?" James said, before then sounding out the word slowly. "[i]Tah...tu...shka...![/i] Tatushka, Tatushka! We dance the Mamushka!" James sang. He nearly let go of the rider to clap his hands, but another idea popped into his head, preventing the potentially dangerous stunt. Not that it would have phased him, of course - he was a Crypt. His head was filled with fantasies now of a frozen country, where monstrous and beautiful creatures wrestled in the snow. Yet not more than a few kilometers away, there was a sandy beach, where people danced around flames and sang Tatushka, while dancing the Mamushka. Was Russia where his family came from? It was a logical explanation - Russian [i]must[/i] have been the Crypt homeland. His parents were probably there, too! Though James couldn't remember what his parents looked like that much anymore. More often than not, if he tried to picture them, he just saw Virginia and Alfred. "Can we ask Ginny if I can go with the circus?" James then asked. They were family (or at least, he had decided they [i]had[/i] to be), so he doubted Virginia would have any problem with it. He'd be among Crypts. His sister, of course, was in a state of shock. While she loved to consider the impossible and the highly unusual, she never pondered that the Crypts were not the only ones who could dance the Mamushka. She knew that it had been taught by their Cossack cousins - but they were still Crypts. To learn that it had originated from elsewhere...It boggled the mind. She bit her lip in consideration, mulling over the man's words - they had been close to the Circus or to the Royal Family? [color=9999ff]"My father and mother told me that dance originated from Russian Crypts - yet I would be delighted to know if it was the Circus or the Royal Family who taught it to our family,"[/color] Virginia said. There was two reasons for this. First, it was a general fascination with her family history. Second, any information about the Crypts of old may help her in her quest to Seek Life Elsewhere. The Russian Circus or the Royal Family may hold important clues. [color=9999ff]"And what exactly does the Mamushka skill accomplish?"[/color] Virginia then asked. She couldn't imagine it as anything but a dance. To learn that it was used to combat the Soulless in some way...It hardly made any sense. Yet she did quite enjoy nonsensical things. They often had a logic to them that others could not understand. As they entered the grounds, Virginia spotted a polearm rising above the crowd. A smile graced her face. It had to be Mary.