Yami gave a curt nod to Shadow's statement, indeed in Yami's opinion that Weevil needed to be taught a lesson in not meddling with other Duelist's desks just so he could stay ontop. Almost like Kaiba. He knew that a deck was more based on the monsters and spells and traps that were in the deck. This it seemed Yami would have to teach to the parasite like he did Seto. [i]"I agree. He doesnt seem to understand the meaning of the word honor."[/i] If you were a real and honest Duelist like you claim to be, then you would know that powerful cards mean nothing. No matter how weak the card can be as long as you trust my deck." Explaining to Weevil who laughed. "Then it seems I will need to set an example that power means everything, even when you have the smallest of creatures." The insect duelist challenged. With this, the cards shuffled and ready Weevil snickers as he realizes something while pulling off two star chips from his glove. "I see that you only have one Star Chip little Yugi. Guess I'll have the pleasure of eliminating you from the Island!" Weevil cackles. Yami smirks as he watches Weevil and placing down his one Star Chip. "Not if I take your two first." Yami saying confidently. Weevil stopped laughing as he looked dumbfounded by Yami's confidence. "Whaat?!" Yami's smirk was still on his lips. This will be an all or nothing match for the both of us." Weevil seemed not only help but laugh outright before. "What makes you think that I would risk [b][i]both[/i][/b] my star chips when [b][i]You[/i][/b] only have one?" Weevil asks suspiciously. "Because I have something I think you would want. My entire Duel Deck." Yami admits, raising the stakes to bait Weevil who could only snicker. The spirit knew then that the Regional Champ took the bait. "SO! You would risk you [b][i]Grandpa's[/i][/b] entire deck? [b][i]Fine[/i][/b] by meee!~" Weevil laughs again. "This will be be easy to exterminate you once and for all!" Weevil declared before laughing again. Joey growled, getting tired of Weevils gloating. "Swat this little twerp like a Misquito!" He shouted. Jaden could only grin. "Gett'im Yugi! Show that creepy crawly whose boss!" Yubel noticed the change in Yugi as she stood as she too saw a change in Shadow. Magic, an old magic flowed through them both, more through the boy. The Demoness was unsure what to make of it but decided to watch and see further. With the wages sets and ready, the two drew their cards and began. "Champ first! I draw!" Weevil declares as he draws his card. "I summon [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/yugioh/images/2/2e/KillerNeedle-MRD-EN-C-UE.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/300?cb=20150508165312]Killer Needle (ATK 1200-DEF 1000 changing to ATK 1560-DEF 1300)[/url] in attack mode." Weevil snickers as he ends his turn. Three random duelists come into the clearing as they see Weevil and Yugi on the arena. "Look! Its Weevil Underwood! Is he Dueling?" one asks. "Yeah! But who is the other kid?" the second asks. Joey and the others look to the Trio as they talk when Wheeler decides to butt in. "[b][i]That guy[/i][/b] is Yugi Motou. He beat Kaiba. And [b][i]I[/i][/b] happen to be his best friend, Joey Wheeler. This is Jaden Yuki. and these two?" Pointing to Tea and Tristen, "Are trespassers." He states simply in a matter of fact tone of which said trespassers groan in irritation. Jaden sighs lopsidedly as Joey's antics. "I thought I wouldnt see a Weevil-Yugi match till the finals." the third said. "Weevil is Regional Champ. No way a new kid is going to stand a chance." The first countered. Yami is suddenly confused what had happened to make Weevil's creature stronger but didnt ask. He would find out either way as he draws his card for his turn. "I summon [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/yugioh/images/2/24/MammothGraveyard-YGLD-EN-C-1E.png/revision/latest?cb=20170812194134]Mammoth Graveyard (ATK 1200-DEF 800 changing to ATK: 1560-DEF: 1040)[/url] in Attack mode. Mammoth Graveyard, attack Killer Needle!" Yami instructs his monster that rushes for when the two connect, the skeletal mammoth and the wasp like insect both are enveloped in smoke as well as pixelated bits exploded leaving cleared smoke and an empty field. Yami looks surprised that his monster is gone. "I don't get it! Both creatures were evenly matched! It should've been a stalemate!" Yami realized aloud while he wondered what was going on. He looked to Weevil who was snickering loudly. "Have you begun to figure out yet why I led you all the way to this forest area? If you [b][i]just[/i][/b] look around, then you will see that this area is an exact replica of our surrounding environment. One part wasteland and one part forest. And who [i][b]thrives[/b][/i] in the forest? Bugs! The strongest, most powerful insects [b][i]rule[/i][/b] the forest!! So as long as I play my bugs in the forest area, I get a field power bonus! I guess you [i][b]just weren't listening[/b][/i] when Pegasus said that this tournament would have exciting new surprises in store for us! Maybe if you were smart enough to steal the tournament's secret new rules like [b][i]I[/i][/b] did, you'd be getting a field power bonus instead of me! Ahahahaha!" Joey was clearly unhappy. "He cheated! He led us here 'cause he knew he'd have an unfair advantage!" "Go ahead! Call me a cheater; you're all just angry that you didn't swipe the rules yourselves! And because you didn't, little Yugi's about to get stung!" Weevil declared. Jaden then begins to laugh out loud making the insect duelist look to him confused. "What! What are you laughing about!" Weevil demands, making Jaden laugh even more. Yami looks to the field and smirks, seeing why Jaden was laughing. He soon settles down and grins. "Look at the field and see why!" Of which Weevil and looks shocked. "What?! Where is my Killer Needle!?" "Seems you didn't notice but Mammoth Graveyard and Killer Needle were both evenly matched." Jaden explained. And with the wasteland on my side of the field, I too got a bonus." Yami finished what Jaden was explaining. Weevil looked horrified that his creature was gone. "W-w-what? Oh no! My monster! What have you done with my monster?! Ugh!!" He looks to the screen to see what happened and saw how what they said was true. "Rrrgh! The field point advantage was supposed to be mine alone!" Yami was calm, his smirk gone but it was all clicking together. "I kept wondering about something on the boat ride here, Weevil. Why were we traveling to some remote island just to [i][b]duel[/b][/i]? But as soon as I saw this holographic display grid, it all came together. Every monster has a type of field that it does best on, kind of like a [i][b]home field advantage[/b][/i]." The spirit began. "And what makes this island [b][i]so special[/i][/b], is that it contains every type of field imaginable. So when you [i][b]deliberately[/b][/i] led us to this spot, you were clearly hoping to get some kind of field advantage." Jaden finished right after as if he saw the click too.