[@Shiyonichi] Sadb didn't expect to be court martialed at all, and definitely not by a lieutenant in a completely different branch of the Federation military. But she didn't say anything about that point. All she needed to know was that Adam Summers was a rather casual guy (which hadn't really been put on any of the files), and that it was fine for her to just call him by his given name instead of his rank. Not what she'd expected during a mission handover but she guessed she could get used to being less formal. Did her boss have to deal with this stuff? If he hadn't been so eager to jump onto the Mao Industries gravy train for dinner maybe he could've told her instead of just dumping it. Having the necessary clearance didn't mean she'd done these things before. At least not for a special EFA task force. On the bright side of things, Adam would be shorter to say. Not much of a silver lining, but it'd do. "First time," she replied with a nod, deciding to take up his offer of conversation. Her work was usually carried out back planetside, but she'd been dragged out here originally for the delegation to Mao. And now for the briefing and handover. She wasn't really enjoying being on the Moon though. It was just too different from Earth. But she wasn't going to say that. A lot of people who worked for Mao were born in Cerevis City, and they were surrounding them. Not good to insult the Moon in the middle of the most Moon place on the Moon. "It's nice."