Lena nodded, beginning to think up ingredients for the tea. When he said he was going to ride ahead, Lena sensed some hesitation. She watched him carefully, gasping as he went limp and fell from his saddle. She spurred Quinn forward, the mare going from a walk to a gallop in a second. Lena didn't slow Quinn as she approached Ryder, she simply dismounted, hitting the ground at a run. Quinn stopped, circling back to meet up with her rider. Lena slid on the ground next to Ryder, touching him and rolling him on his back. She didn't cry out or gasp or worry over him, she simply place her fingers under his chin, searching for a pulse. She concentrated, it was faint, but still there. She searched for blood, thinking he had been wounded but didn't tell anyone. She didn't find any. "Nicholas, get his horse, Triston get him in the wagon, we need to ride like hell for the forest kingdom, I can't do very much with herbs for this, maybe if he had said something at first but not now," Lena said, checking his head for blood. He'd hit the ground rather hard, but she hadn't seen if he'd hit his head. Triston followed the cart, and dismounted at his sisters orders. He walked over and carefully lifted Ryder. Lena followed, supporting his head and he walked around the wagon, placing him in the back with Felix. Lena whistled, her mare coming to her side. She tied her to the wagon and reached into her saddle bags, pulling out her herbs and supplies. "I can give him something to help, but we need to get to a healer now," She said as she pulled out leaves, roots and water to make a paste for him to swallow.