[hider=Eric Crawson] [center][h3]Eric Crawson[/h3] [h3][url=http://i.imgur.com/nK1GhiN.jpg][color=ECF0F1]Prime[/color][/url][/h3] [h3]Age:[/h3] 25 [h3]Appearance[/h3] [img]https://i.imgur.com/kKuKvn8.png[/img] Height : 6’3” Weight : 178 lb’s Build : Slim Fit. Runner. [h3]Chat color: [/h3] [color=ECF0F1]Hex Code: #ECF0F1[/color] [h3]Device(s):[/h3] Eric owns several devices, each one vital to Prime’s toolkit. The first and most important is a slim notebook style computer with a distro OS made for pentesting, or hacking. The specs of the notebook are negligible, fast enough to not cause any delays but not a beast that can be used for advanced brute force attacks or denial of service. The second device is a small computing device, like a Raspberry Pi, used primarily for overnight or operations that require a physical object or be connected to a system. The third device is a generic touch phone. [h3]Occupation:[/h3] Eric is a mechanic. He owns a small car business and several cars as a result. His knowledge of automobiles was acquired from a trade school which he attended immediately after highschool. His income is very generous, his prices are average, and his shop is open whenever he’s home. He lives above his shop. Despite a desirable financial situation, his interest in hacker’s chat room seems to be partly an economic motive. [h3]Cyberskills:[/h3] Prime is well known for being an expert in Virus’s. Be it simple malware that causes pop up ads, or advanced RATs, Prime is your go to man. While experienced in creating botnets through virus’s, Prime only has an average skill in managing them. [h3]Personality:[/h3] Cynical and Jaded. Eric often times cracks jokes about the situation they’re, even if they’re inappropriate. He is known for his blind optimism and being a little naive. He’s a little charismatic. Eric’s known for trying to make his exploits grand. He’s infatuated with the idea of making himself into a famous cyber criminal. In the chat, Prime is very methodical and concise. Some have even claimed that he could be manipulative at times, even with other hackers. [h3]Background:[/h3] Very little is known about Prime before he was a cyber criminal. The following are excerpts from police reports found on Prime. [hr] [i]Prime’s public debut as a hacker began five years ago. Using an exploit of a large email server, he found a list of hundreds of thousands of emails, which allowed him to send out an email containing a downloadable virus which in turn added their computer to a large botnet if they weren’t tech savvy enough to know not to download it. Prime then sold the botnet with over a thousand hosts to another hacker for a large sum. It should be noted that this transaction was not done in the hacker’s chatroom. During this exploit, Prime left an encoded message in the email server he had exploited with his own signature, christening himself Prime. He briefly was internet famous for this exploit, but was soon forgotten. His next big exploit would take almost a year, or eleven months. Between this time, the only confirmed activity from Prime was a small scale data extraction from a pharmacist company. It is unknown what information was taken nor what the data was used for. Prime’s signature was found in their data servers approximately a week after the hack was thought to have occured. [hr] Prime’s next big attack began with an internet campaign to build up another botnet using a similar software from his first big exploit. It is believed that he was paid by a large corporation to attack and take down a large MMORPG’s servers using this botnet. Said MMORPG’s server’s were attacked roughly three months after the virus was first detected. Fortunately, Prime dawdled when building his botnet and Anti Virus softwares were able to act fast enough to detect and remove his virus from infected systems. The botnet was not big enough to compromise the servers, and the hack failed. Investigators were able to trace the source of the virus to an abandoned warehouse in the middle United States. Reports claim that they saw a tall man fleeing the scene. Pursuit of said man resulted in failure. The personnel at the scene were unable to get a good look at the mans face. A rackmount server was found at the scene. Fata had been completely wiped except for a single disk which was continually booting into a partition that wrote Prime’s signature to the disk. Data was unable to be recovered. [hr] Prime would go on to do several small scale hacks for the next two years. They included another data extraction from the same pharmacy he attacked in the beginning. [hr] Prime’s biggest exploit to date was only a year ago. Prime himself walked into a large office building for an unnamed tech giant on the west coast. The company was currently working on a prototype for a new processor architecture. This is what Prime was after and he was incredibly meticulous in never facing a working camera inside the building, so the suspect was unable to be identified. After some hours, the suspect left the building and traveled several blocks away, after which it is unknown where he went. The blueprints for the processor were completely expunged, replaced by a signature of Prime. It is unknown what Prime has done with this data, but it is assumed that he was able to sell it underhanded to another competitor.[/i] [/center] [/hider] GM's might want to check your PM's after reading this sheet.