Yugi saw the shadow silhouette appear suddenly when he called out. Watching it go down the endless hall to hear his name be called again. Seeing his own shadow move, he looked to it with innocent curiosity. "Ah!" He was caught off caught when it had eyes and a mouth like his own before moving, startled. "Whats going on here?" He asked to himself aloud till he heard his name again. "Shadow?" He called out, though cautiously moved in the direction the shadows were moving towards. ______________________ Jaden looks at the field with confidence in Yugi. "You can do it Yugi! Stomp that bug!" He cheered on. Joey wasn't all too convinced he could kill that bug so easily. "Even that four-eyed tick's [i][b]weakest[/b][/i] bugs're gonna be tough to beat, so long as he's got that field power bonus." He pointed out. Tristen shook his head. "Yeah, but it's not exactly like it can just be [b][i]turned off[/i][/b]." the brunette looked to the three with disbelieving looks. "Come on guys! Dont be so down! Cheer Yugi on!" He encouraged. Weevil snickered. "It's your turn! Make your move!" So Yami draws while looking at his cards and the card that he drew. [i]'Maybe I should use my next monster to defend. By putting my card in defense mode, my monster will take a hit, but my lifepoints will be spared.'[/i] So Yami set a card and ended his turn. Weevil made his move now and drew. "So, we're [b][i]defending[/i][/b] now, are we? Very clever! Since I can't see your monster's defense points, I can't be sure I can beat it, but even your strongest monster can't stand against my Basic Insect!" He declares while summoning [url=http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/yugioh/images/8/8f/BasicInsect-LOB-EN-C-UE.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20160818201525]Basic Insect (ATK: 500-DEF: 700)[/url]. "Not only does he get a field power bonus, but I'm upgrading him with a [url=https://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/yugioh/images/e/ea/InsectArmorwithLaserCannon-NUMH-EN-SR-1E.png/revision/latest?cb=20150923024634]Laser Cannon Armor[/url], and a Level Two "Power Boost"! ([b]BASIC INSECT[/b] ATK:650-DEF: 910) The Spirit scowled at that. [i]'No! His insect's so powerful now, my defense won't stand a chance, and after it falls, my lifepoints are next!'[/i] "Now, Yugi, for all the innocent little bugs you've squashed, stomped, crushed, or fumigated, i-i-i-it's payback time!!!" Underwood raged maniacally as he laser cannon fires and Yugi bows his head, letting the podium shield him. His face down blown away like it was nothing. Weevil seems to be doing nothing but enjoying it. "Heheheheheh! You'll have to do better than that if you hope to survive my bug's laser-powered arsenal!" With Yami's turn, he places a face down of which that is all he can do for now while the Insect Duelist is just grinning. "Hmm. Another defense card, no doubt. And I'll make sure defending is all he can do! Heheheh! I'm going to keep you on the defensive! Attack now, with [b][i]any[/i][/b] monster, and you will instantly activate this trap card!" Exclaims while throwing down a face down within the trap and spell zone. "Weevil's got him cornered up there." Tristen speaks up. "Yeah and hardly able to counter thus far." Jaden adds. "He can do it." "As long as my trap card remains in play, you're powerless to make a move against me! So, does my tightening web make you squirm?" Weevil asks rhetorically. Yami looks at the field, calculating. [i]"He's so busy bragging, he's not paying *any* attention to my moves. Maybe I can set a little trap of my own."[/i] More within the link they share then to herself. Sometimes not knowing when he does or doesnt switch.