“He’s already tried to kill me once, I see no reason why he wouldn’t try to ruin me some other way…” It was probably pointless trying to talk to her about this sort of thing, she was probably in the camp of thinking he was amazing and flawless and a worthy leader. It definitely made him feel like it wasn’t going to work, all this attempting to get on Korian’s good side while simultaneously knowing it was impossible to please him. Battling against Sasha was hardly bringing him much pleasure like she might be feeling fighting him, considering what she said before. He was still going to put some effort in to his little training bout, she was still pretty enthusiastic. Having his focus on keeping her attacks from hitting him his goal to topple her came second, coming in and successfully doing so with her predictable moves. That was just the thing with those rebels, but maybe Korian would finally get a clue and understand having everyone learn the same things was going to have the enemy know exactly what was going to happen and be able to counter it pretty successfully. “Tch! Yeah…how convenient that I am here…” This was a waste of his time, he was close to just quitting. Watching her as she decided she was still going to carry on he was suspicious when she decided to switch things up again, giving her a slight glaring at. She was going to use Ki or something, he just knew it. Preparing for an attack from her he growled lowly when it seemed to be some sort of Ki attack, watching as the dirt gathered before becoming tiny fireballs. What was this supposed to prove? Some sort of show off moment? Holding up his arms he was pelted by the projectiles, the rocks either bouncing or exploding against him. Her attacking him like this was not only unusual to do, it made him angry. “You think showing off is what will make this interesting to me??” he growled, lowering his arms, “You want to use your little Ki abilities against me? Can’t resist showing off around me…is that it?” If she wanted to be completely daring and start assaulting him with her powers, then he was just going to come down harder on him. Not giving her a chance to explain herself he immediately moved in again, going in low at first before throwing his weight at her in one punch. He wasn’t going to let her do that again, besides it did hurt a fair bit to be pelted by fiery projectiles. He knew if he was going to be showing off his own abilities he might as well just kill her and destroy everything, they often involved stabbing or blowing everything up so that wasn’t an option. After his one punch he swung around again, his weight shifting again as his frustration was playing a part in his battle style.