[I]This whole class is weird,[/I] Chris noted to himself from the safety of his desk. Much to his own gladness, the noisier bunch had sat elsewhere in the room. With the girl, Ritzy as she called herself, making an entrance and other general foolery going on, Chris was glad nobody was bothering him. [I]I gotta make friends, but perhaps the less crazy,[/I] he thought to himself with a chuckle, before looking at his Wartortle. The Wartortle sat there rather quietly and calm, much to Chris's surprise, but kept his eyes on Ritzy for one reason or another. Mr. Adam's lecture wasn't the longest, nor was it the most boring. Though Chris didn't think that he learned much of anything new. But the concept of signature moves was new to him, and he couldn't help but wonder which of his Pokémon had a signature move. And what it was. However, once the class was over and they were dismissed, Chris snapped out of it. He waited a moment before standing up from his seat, and when he noticed the classroom had thinned out a bit, a smirk formed on his face. Chris walked up to the teacher now, with his smirk transformed into an anxious smile. "So our homework is to battle the other trainers?" he asked, though it seemed like more of a naïve confirmation, Chris had other plans. Rather than wait for a formal answer, he withdrew a Pokeball and brandished it. "So does that mean I can get extra credit if... I challenge [I]you[/I] to a battle?" At the mention of a battle, Wartortle hopped once in excitement and then put on his game face. Though as serious and tough as he tried to look, it didn't work very well.