To join this RP, please provide a character sheet with the following format: * Name: * Pic/Image: * Physical Appearance: * Personality & Biography: * Powers, Abilities, & Equips: * Story Role: -The Name should include a given name and surname. -The Pic/Image should at least be a URL, but ideally a visible image in the post. -The Physical Appearance section really only needs to be filled out if the given picture doesn't completely describe the character. -Personality and backstory are often related to each other, so I find it useful to combine them. Don't spoil everything about your character, but provide enough that we can roughly gauge what kind of person they'll be. -Powers, Abilities, and Equips describe everything your character can do when they first appear in the story. If the character's picture contains any relevant designs, I'll assume the pictured weapons are canon unless otherwise noted. -For the story role, please choose one of the following: * Exile Prince * Captured Princess * Prince's Knight * Antagonist for the Princess * Prince's Companion Multiple players may take this role if all of the above roles are first filled.