Shigetoshi was glad that the guest lets his slip slide. He quickly grabs the rest of the boards and follows Tatsuki, abet a little slower. He wasn't used to the balancing act. However he manages without dropping anything or making a fool out of himself. The Innkeeper watched Tatsuki serve the other guests and he fretted a little internally. Wasn't he supposed to serve everyone? After all it was his job. Tatsuki was kind enough to help make dinner, who was Shigetoshi to make him serve the other also. But the other man didn't seem upset or annoyed at all. In fact he seemed largely happy by the entire ordeal. At least until he passed out the last dish. Shigetoshi finished as quickly as he can without rudeness before moving over to Tatsuki. The other man was already sitting at their table. Shigetoshi placed the two dishes down and places the serving board on the floor next to him as he knelt down. He found himself frowning as he looked over Tatsuki. Perhaps he had been wrong. Maybe the other man was upset at having to do all this work. The dichotomy of his earlier happiness and his current mood was throwing Shigetoshi, The sounds of everyone eating and taking were but mere background noise. Shigetoshi took a deep breath and finally asked the question that had been on his mind. "Are you okay?" Shigetoshi's voice was quiet and a little unsure. "Do you need anything?" He didn't add the question that he somehow made the other man unhappy. Or had caused this mood.