•Name: Vladimir "Vova" Kirillovitch Volkov •Age: 18 •Appearance: [url=http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/011/7/c/vlad_dracul_by_fraulein_mao-d4m2j4u.jpg]Vova is a tall, well-built boy, with blue-grey eyes and dark hair. He usually dresses warmly in furs, hoodies, combat pants and boots.[/url] •Personality: Quite a friendly fellow, Vova warms up to people quickly and is fond of physical contact; handshakes, hugs and slaps on the back can all be expected from him with regularity. Excitable and eccentric, he has many varied hobbies that he engages in with a great deal of vigor, and this passion carries into many other things as a general zest for life. He is sometimes surprising with his intelligence, as he can quickly find a deeper insight to things as those around him are pondering the surface details. He is very much a social animal, growing bored and lonely very quickly, and can be somewhat flighty in his moods, though he tries to stay positive and pleasant. Quite an optimist, he tries to see the best in things at all times, and grows quickly tired of complainers or pessimists. •Clubs: A ghost member of nearly every club in the school, he attends whatever suits his fancy for that given day. •Brief Backstory: Born and raised in North-Eastern Russia, Vova was the eldest son of a moderately wealthy family that made their fortune after the fall of the Soviet Union. While he had a fairly normal upbringing, he became fond of nightly walks through the cold forests around his home. It is on one such of these walks that Vova claims he formed his contract with Dracula. Always eager for new experiences, he quickly begged his parents to allow him to attend Covenant Academy. While the staff found some discrepancies between his story, the records presented by him, and the general history of his region of origin, he was accepted, and has since had quite a productive school life. •Contract: Dracula --- •Name: Dracula •Type: Vampire •Personality: Dracula strikes most as an affable, gentlemanly fellow, almost pleasant in common conversation. He fancies the finer things; good food, classic literature, and tasteful company. However, this is mostly superficial dressing that serves to disguise what he truly is: a completely inhuman monster. Dracula cares nothing for human lives, seeing them as cattle at worst and helpful tools at best. While he sees his contractor (being his only means of entering our world) as an exception, he is not above manipulating Vova. He is remorseless and vicious, and at times his needless cruelty exposes his sadistic streak. At his very core, Dracula is the slave of his constant, insatiable, all-consuming thirst. •Powers: Vova is granted strength, speed and resilience, that are beyond that which a normal human is capable of. He has a unique affinity for darkness, capable of flitting between shadows as easily as breathing. By temporarily taking the form of a mist, he can slip through knife-thin cracks or spaces, and he can turn himself invisible for a moderate amount of time. •Fusion: When fused with Dracula, Vova's hair darkens to an inky black, his eyes turn blood red, his skin becomes white as chalk, and he gains great fangs and claws. His physical attributes are heightened to the point of being legendary, and he gains the ability to shapeshift into whatever animate or inanimate form that his mass will allow, including that of a cloud of mist. However, he loses his shapeshifting ability when exposed to sunlight, and he gains Dracula's maddening thirst for human blood. •Summon: Dracula's true form is [url=http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/051/c/5/vampire_dragon_by_verehin-d5vlmhd.jpg]far from what one may expect.[/url] An almost unstoppable engine of destruction, Dracula is almost completely out of Vova's control when summoned. With scales like granite, he strikes with the strength and speed of a bullet train, ripping through all in his way with claws and fangs sharper than razors. The only thing truly limiting him is that he uses up his power extremely quickly, and his time spent in our world can only be extended if he consumes the flesh and blood of humans, and Luca invariably recalls him before he has a chance to do so. Sunlight has a dampening effect on his power, but it does not destroy him, as he is far above common vampires in terms of power.