[b]Name:[/b] Ryuji Monshiro [b]Age:[/b] 14 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/majidewatashinikoishinasai/images/6/61/Monshiro_wielding_her_fan_2.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20131229231843]"Fufufu! It's not hard to go far in the world; all you have to do is follow me!"[/url] [b]Personality:[/b] Monshiro is a refined young lady with a presence far larger than her diminutive physical stature. While polite and well-tempered, she can be quite boisterous, and has a habit of commanding attention from other people. Her impressive intellect and willpower are matched by her maturity and charm. Monshiro's charisma is easily her strongest characteristic; when she speaks, people don't just hear her, they listen. Whether it is her adorable appearance, her authoritative voice, or her eloquence in speaking or some combination thereof, most people have a very difficult time disliking Monshiro, or even just ignoring her. She has a touch of her family's signature arrogance, but is more down to earth than her siblings. Monshiro does have a few childish traits, such as her love of cute things and her sweet tooth, but these are only seen by those she holds in close confidence. [b]Brief History:[/b] One of the several powerful and wealthy families in Sengoku City, the Ryuji Corporation is a family-owned international conglomerate. The Ryuji Corporation's business is people, as they scout skilled workers and individuals with special talents, and then coordinate with other businesses to place these persons in positions where they are best utilized. This sort of agency, as well as holdings in several service industries, is where the Ryuji family draws its profits. Or so it seems on the surface. This much of the Ryuji Corporation is a front for its operations as a paramilitary organization; the majority of the organization serves to recruit elite mercenaries and soldiers of fortune, to then lease out their services to the highest bidder. Monshiro is the youngest daughter of the Ryuji Corporations founder and CEO, Ryuji Mikado (called "Emperor Ryuji" by some). She has lived in Sengoku city for the last eight years, though she has received her education privately. For her freshman year in high school, Monshiro has enrolled in Sengoku High School. Given that her older sister, Ageha, graduated last year, and her older brother, Hideo, is studying abroad, she is the only Scion of the Ryuji family currently attending Sengoku. Though she practices martial arts to keep fit, Monshiro really has no talent for fighting, and her underdeveloped stature gives her quite a disadvantage in physical confrontations. Knowing how dangerous Sengoku High would be for her, Monshiro's father assigned the most powerful member of the Ryuji Corporations private "Butler Corps" (elite agents used to protect the Ryuji family and the corporation's most private assets) to protect her. Since enrolling in Sengoku High School, Monshiro has made great waves. She is the idol of the freshman class, and was elected as their class representative with a landslide victory. Even so, she is not without those that would attempt to discredit or defeat her, and she has met such challenges with dignity, and has prevailed with honor. Monshiro considers her truest rival to be Hirayama Chinatsu, as she aspires to become student council president to prove herself to her father. To aid her cause, she has begun to rally her own private sect of the Ryuji Corporation, comprised of students, with the intention of ridding the city of its more unsightly elements. [b]Weapons:[/b] While it is scarcely a weapon, Monshiro carries an antique fan with her, using it mostly to point dramatically. When actual weapons are required, she relies on Herman Hellsing. [b]Abilities:[/b] Monshiro has inherited her father's powerful charisma, which makes her a powerful orator and a highly magnetic person. Monshiro is not merely a likable person, but she is also very influential, and has a decent talent for what one might call manipulation. She can easily understand what people want, and how to play their motivations so that she gets what she wants. Monshiro inspires loyalty and dedication in those that follow her, and respect in those that dislike her. Even animals seem to enjoy Monshiro's presence and obey her instinctually. She is also remarkably intelligent, and is very good at playing politics. [b]Side?:[/b] Sengoku High School [b]Club:[/b] Student Council, Freshman Class Representative ---- [b]Name:[/b] Herman Hellsing [b]Age:[/b] 38 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/majidewatashinikoishinasai/images/9/9c/Hyumu_Hellsing_Sketches.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20121218000559]"Hmmh. Is this what passes for combat among youth these days?"[/url] [b]Personality:[/b] Herman is as polite and professional as one would expect a butler to be, and as level-headed and confident as the professional soldier that he truly is. Even so, he has a distinct air of arrogance about him, as he is clearly very sure of his power, with just a touch of sadism. An elitist and perfectionist both, Herman privately considers most people to be well below him, and very few people meet the high standards he imposes to be worthy of his respect. As a soldier-for-hire, Herman's morals are loose at best, and he will follow whatever orders given to him, though he still holds to a code of honor as a warrior. [b]Brief History:[/b] Much of this man's past is a mystery, but it is known that he was born and raised in Holland, and was the leader of a mercenary team renowned for having never failed a single mission. While he was completing a black ops mission within Japan nine year ago, Herman Hellsing happened to meet Ryuji Mikado, whereupon he was won over by the man's ideals and conviction, and pledged his service to him. Herman was inducted into the Ryuji Corporation's Butler Corps of special agents and personal bodyguards, and was assigned the secretive rank of 0. Herman has known Ryuji Monshiro since she first began living in Sengoku city, and the two have formed a genuine bond in that time. Monshiro looks to Herman as a parental figure in place of her mostly-absent father and distant mother, and Herman respects and cares for Monshiro both as the blood of the man to whom he owes his loyalty, as well as an admirable young lady in her own right. Herman has been assigned to Monshiro as her personal attendant, to keep her safe within the perilous Sengoku High School. While he cannot always been seen, the man is always present around Monshiro, and is always watching. [b]Weapons:[/b] Herman mostly relies on his legs for his attacks, but is trained in numerous different styles of armed martial arts, and is a crack shot with a variety of firearms. [b]Abilities:[/b] Herman is placed as Rank 0 among the Ryuji Corporation Butler Corps, and not merely to keep him separate from the command structure of the other combat butlers; his ability in battle is leagues greater than the Rank 1 butler. His body is honed to a razor edge of perfection, as is his mind, essentially making Herman a living weapon. His speed and strength are both terrifying to behold, and his ability to hide both his physical body and his spiritual presence is unparalleled. Master of numerous forms of martial arts and styles of warfare, Herman most prefers close combat, with kicks powerful enough to kill a common man ten times over. Herman has also delved into several ki-utilizing techniques to give himself range when armed and diversify his skills, and his tolerance for pain makes it seem as though he does not feel pain whatsoever. That aside, Herman is a Damn Good Butler, and is well-trained in such skills as cooking, cleaning, wilderness survival, mending clothes, handiwork, firearm maintenance, crochet and etiquette. [b]Side?:[/b] Sengoku, technically. [b]Club:[/b] None, he is a grown man.