[b]Alignment: [/b][color=Blue]Hero[/color] [b]Real Name: [/b]Casey Nakamura [b]Age: [/b]17 [b]Superhero Name: [/b]Galaxion [b]Normal Appearance: [/b][url=http://i.imgur.com/ddn7Pal.jpg]"This is my home, and I will protect it. Let me show you the strength of my resolve."[/url] [b]Superhero Appearance: [/b][url=http://i.imgur.com/1iWqbXh.jpg]"This isn't just my strength. It's the strength of my ancestors."[/url] [b]Meta type: [/b]Neohuman [b]Description of Powers: [/b]Casey has the ability to tap into an inherent power source within his body, known among his family as "the Mark" and "the Radiance." Unbeknownst to them, this power is actually a dormant, aeons-old being of immense cosmic power, ingrained in Casey's genetic code. By absorbing cosmic radiation (most usually solar photons), Casey can activate this power, transforming himself into various forms with advanced abilities. Less advanced forms consume less of Casey's reserves of power, and can be maintained passively for greater spans of time, though using more powerful abilities will also drain his power. Each transformation takes a period of time to complete relative to the level of the from, and disruptions of Casey's transformation can result in him reverting to his human form. In any of his transformed states, Casey has a significant vulnerability to magical and psionic attacks, as their damage to him seems to be aggravated by the alien power he wields. [hider=Forms] [url=http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20131216075559/yugioh/images/7/70/GalaxyKnight-OW.png]Pollux:[/url] Casey's base form as Galaxion, wherein he manifests armor, a sword, and an "ether board." As Pollux, Casey's strength is increased tenfold, his armor both protects him fully from the vacuum of space, and is greatly resistant to physical harm, and his ether board can permit him antigravity-based flight at subsonic speeds. Casey's sword has tremendous cutting power, and Casey can launch "photonic bursts" from his sword and chest cannons. All of Pollux's armaments are composed of an alien "living metal," a highly durable and light material unknown to Earth science, which possesses the peculiar ability to slowly "regenerate" from harm. As his simplest form, Pollux consumes the least power, and can be maintained almost indefinitely if he is exposed to sunlight. [url=http://i1077.photobucket.com/albums/w473/Zaziuma/StarliegePaladynamo-ZTIN-EN-SR-1E-1.png]Orion:[/url] The form that transitions from Pollux, Orion possesses all of the same abilities, but with the following exceptions. Pollux's sword has transformed into an energy blade, which is far more powerful, and capable of cutting through energy barriers. Pollux's ether board has become a pair of ether wings, granting sonic speed in an atmosphere, and supersonic speed outside of one. In addition, Orion possesses the technique known as "Zero Light," wherein Perseus traps his foe in an immobilizing beam of light, which also negates any magical or psionic powers they may possess. Orion consumes power more rapidly than Pollux, but can still be maintained for a decent length of time, though use of the Zero Light ability usually consumes all of Casey's power at once. [url=http://orig14.deviantart.net/ccfe/f/2015/138/5/b/starliege_lord_galaxion_by_drivetypewild-d8tul9s.jpg]Hercules:[/url] The form that transitions from Orion, Hercules possesses all of the same abilities, but with the following exceptions. Hercules now wields two energy blades, doubling his close-quarters offensive power. While Hercules does not possess the Zero Light technique, he can sense and absorb background cosmic radiation in a given area, giving himself a tremendous boost in power or in the time the form can be maintained. Alternately, the energy can be spent to transition directly to Casey's next form, which is currently his only means of acquiring enough energy. While Hercules' energy absorption ability can increase the time spent in this form greatly, the radiation in an area following the use of this power will be insufficient for it to be used again for several hours, making it effectively a one-off. [url=https://dp1eoqdp1qht7.cloudfront.net/community/projects/021/07c/77624/1573016-o_1905bbnsa18vfq71sm71a0kmav7-full.png]Draco:[/url] Currently Casey's most advanced form, Draco can only be accessed by transforming immediately after using Hercules' energy absorption ability. As Draco, Casey grows to stand twenty feet tall, and possesses immense strength and durability, as well as teeth and claws with the cutting power of energy blades. Draco can fly using antigravity at supersonic speeds in or out of an atmosphere, and can survive in the vacuum of space. Draco can issue "photon streams" from his mouth, which possess terrible destructive power. Draco's most advanced technique is known as "Zero Galaxy," wherein he can neutralize magical or psionic attacks that have not yet damaged him, and add their energy to his own power. Draco consumes power extremely quickly, and even with the use of Zero Galaxy, this form cannot be maintained for long. Though Draco is currently Casey's ultimate form, he feels that he still has untapped potential, and that he may have additional, more powerful forms locked away within him. [/hider] [b]Background: [/b] Casey is but the latest of a long lineage of metahumans, dating back thousands of years. Tracing their roots back to ancient Lebanon, their bloodline has carried through many ages and ethnicities. As such, Casey is of extremely mixed heritage, though he mostly identifies as Irish/Japanese-American. His mother was the previous bearer of the Mark, and as such, she lost her powers when she gave birth to Casey. The obvious transition of the Mark down the generational line heralded the arrival of the inheritor of the cosmic power of the radiance. However, not all were pleased; Casey's older brother, Sean, who had been passed over by the Mark, was intensely jealous of his younger brother, and tormented him throughout their youth. Casey was raised from an early age to play the role of a righteous warrior, and was schooled in ethics and the history of his bloodline throughout the ages. He was trained intensely in combatives, including the art of swordsmanship, with both a single blade and dual swords. Essentially groomed to become a superhero by his family, Casey feels a great deal of pressure from the expectations for him to live up to his family's legacy, but his genuine desire to help others makes the path of the hero an easier one to follow. [b]Personality: [/b]As a civilian, Casey is charming and cheerful, with a playful, easygoing personality. He is very competitive, and loves to push himself to his limits. He makes friends easily, and is quick to forgive slights against him with a joke and a smile. However, when assuming his role as Galaxion (and in related affairs with his family), he takes on a far more serious demeanor. Evil must be rooted out and punished by all means, and the innocent must be protected at any cost. While he is against the idea of vengeance, he believes in firm and fair justice, and is more than willing to dole it out. A technical pacifist, Casey refuses to kill his opponents, seeking out methods of incapacitating them non-lethally, even when it would be far more difficult or dangerous to do so. [b]Origin Story: [/b]Galaxion made his debut some six months ago, fighting off a criminal organization known as the Star Crusade; thugs and gangsters hired by the wealthy elite to horde alien technology. Galaxion is an uncommonly-seen hero, only appearing to take on threats that are deemed worth of the application of his considerable power. Galaxion has so far mostly fought alone, but he is not adverse to team-ups with other heroes. [b]Secret identity known to public?: [/b]Negative. [b]City of residence: [/b]Angel City