[hider=Sirren Gadex] Name: Sirren Gadex Chapter: Flesh Tearers Chapter Demeanour: Among the most savage of the Sons of Sanguinius, the Flesh Tearers are infamous across the Imperium for the sheer brutality and destruction they bring to every battle. Known to completely lose themselves in the heat of battle, they have often brought ruin to friend and foe alike. Worse yet is the rate at which their Battle Brothers fall to the curse of the Black Rage, which has crippled their chapter and will likely bring its ruin before long. Personal Demeanour: Despite his chapter's reputation, Sirren strikes most as a particularly cold and dispassionate individual. After attending to many dozens of his brothers that have fallen in battle or to the Flaw, he has grown callous and melancholic. While he attends his duties as earnestly as he ever has, they are performed with detached professionalism and grim routine. Seemingly the only effort he puts his heart and soul into is the destruction of the Emperor's enemies, upon which he unleashes all of the fury his chapter is known for. Speciality: Apothecary Rank: Sanguinary Priest Power Armour History: Inherited from his mentor in the Flesh Tearers' sanguinary priesthood, Sirren's armor is adorned with Cretecian sigils and fetishes, as well as the ancient iconography of the sanguinary priesthood, which date back to the Age of Heresy. More artistically adorned than most armors among the spartan Flesh Tearers, the armor's machine spirit still carries their chapter's legacy of rage and tragedy, as many of its previous wearers have fallen to the Black Rage (Sirren's mentor included). With Sirren's induction into the Deathwatch, this is the first time that his armor has been painted black, and not been worn by a lost brother of the Death Company. Description: A grim figure, even by the standards of most Astartes, Sirren wears the scars of many battles on his body and in his posture. Nearly the entire right side of his face is comprised of scar tissue, pulling his face into a permanent snarl, and almost all of his black hair has been burned away, including his beard and eyebrows. He bears very little resemblance to his angelic primarch, given his brutish features and forest-green eyes. A pair of skull-emblazoned service studs are embedded on his left brow, showing his centuries of service to the Emperor. Despite the multitude of scars crossing his body like spiderwebs, Sirren is in good condition physically. Nominally larger and bulkier in size than the average Astartes, he has had no major bionics added to his body, and he is as spry as any initiate, regardless of his veteran status. Outside of his armor, Sirren wears only simple garments, typically red and white, and small effects of the sanguinary priesthood. Given his status as a medic, he abstains from wearing more gruesome trophies and fetishes off of the battlefield. Skills: As with most Sons of Sanguinius, Sirren is an expert in rapid assault and close-quarters battle. His ferocity is in his blood as a Space Marine and as a native of Cretacia. Given his early life of savagery, he is adept in tracking and hunting great beasts that could slay even an armored Astartes, and is well adept to prolonged survival in remote conditions. As a member of the sanguinary priesthood, Sirren is an expert in the rituals of initiation and purification common to Blood Angels successors, and is well-practiced in the medical care and physiology of his fellow Astartes, particularly the peculiarities of his chapter's gene-seed. History: As with all Flesh Tearers of this millennium, Sirren was born a native of the death world Cretacia; one of the many savage tribes that regressed to a paleolithic state during the Dark Age of Technology, barely even capable of language. Their daily existence comprised of surviving day-to-day against the violent seismic activity and monstrous creatures endemic of their world. Despite their stunted intellect and lack of technology, the Cretacians had adapted to become physically powerful, with razor-sharp reflexes, thus making them exceptional candidates to become Astartes. Sirren was one such young man chosen from his tribe, and tasked by the metal angels of red and black to slay a mighty predator as his initiation. His hunt lasted an entire lunar cycle, and most thought him dead, until he managed to return carrying the jawbone of one of these terrible beasts, soaked head to toe in its blood. Inducted as an initiate into the Flesh Tearers, Sirren took as well to his indoctrination and biological enhancement as could be hoped. The only hiccup in his training came from his demeanor; he was competitive to a fault, and was remarkably quick to anger. Fistfights between himself and his fellow scouts were common, and resulted in frequent disciplinary action. By the time he had graduated to become an Assault Marine, his back had already turned to leather from his many floggings. The chapter's leadership, hoping to cool the temper of an otherwise promising marine, inducted him earlier than most into the sanguinary priesthood, putting him into his company's command squad as a Sanguinary Novitae. Sirren learned humility fast, as he was forced to care for his wounded brothers and to collect the gene-seed of the fallen. He saw the error of his rambunctious past, now realizing that they had enough enemies in the galaxy without him disrupting the chapter from within. However, his premature induction had its drawbacks; as he was still a relatively young and inexperienced marine, he had not yet become totally accustomed to the horrors of war and what lurked in the reaches of the galaxy. Grappling with these tormenting forces, as confronting every single death and lost brother in his company, was a great strain on his mind, and having been pulled out of his assault squad early, he had insufficient outlet to work off his aggression and frustration. Over the decades, these traumas darkened Sirren's mind, making him unnaturally cold and unfeeling to cope with these stressors. This culminated some time after his full induction into the sanguinary priesthood as his mentor fell to the Black Rage in the midst of battle, and Sirren delivered the Emperor's Peace to him as he lost all reason. Equipment and Armament: As a Sanguinary Priest, Serrin carries a specialized narthecium, augmented with a Acus Placidus reductor pistol, and an oversized Exsanguinator reductor blade. As he is currently not serving with any other Sons of Sanguinius, he chooses not to carry a sacred Blood Chalice, but does have one in his possession. As his typical armaments, Serrin carries a Deathwatch-issue bolt pistol, a standard assortment of grenades, and both his personal chainsword and combat blade. [/hider]