[quote=@Bright_Ops] ...Sorry for the double post, [/quote] BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH APOLOGISE FOR NOTHING REGRET NO SIN [quote=@Bright_Ops] Can anyone explain to me what the current state of the ig universe is and just how advanced technologically it actually is? [/quote] The presence of magic makes judging technology a little screwy. On Galbar, the largest civs are hovering around the tail end of the bronze age. Many populations are probably still hunter-gatherers though. Different regions tend to use different magic. Shamans communicate with elementals, wandering stone people use mathematical runes to work miracles, Toun-worshippers use Calligraphic runes to work minor miracles and take oaths, Dwarves use captured mysteries to sail in the stars, underwater statue people manipulate ice, a couple of parties manipulate flesh with intuition, and chaos hordes blow shit up because thanks, Vestec! Some regions are insular, like the Dwarven Empire, Vetros and the Valley of Peace, while others, like Rulanah, Metera, the Marquisate, the Changing Plains, Mesathalassa have expansive trading networks. Story wise, check BBeast's log in the 0th IC post. Dwarves are expanding, islanders will be soon too, a shade from the past has appeared to seek vengeance and kill gods, a covert game of sabotage is being played out in the occult sewers, shapeshifting universe eaters are massing in space, a hollow figure is trying to make itself at home on a too-alive and too-colourful planet. Idk, lots of things and I should sleep