[center][img]https://images.cooltext.com/5070750.png[/img][/center] It was attention Leo wanted, and that he got. Plenty of it. From both Dawson's gang and various individuals willing - and in some cases, the Native American thinks [i]eager[/i] - to get on the tyrant's blacklist. Considering his current situation, Taeton felt he was still generous enough to say his small party's leader managed to accomplish what he came into town to do. Now the hard part lay in getting the hell out of dodge. The number of guns aimed in his general direction seemed to lessen slightly as more and more newcomers arrived on scene, allowing him to cast a glance over the entire street without being interrupted for a moment. A movement in his peripheral caught his eye. Taheton brought his rifle up and fired without a second's pause. With an agonised yell, his target plummeted from the roof of the two-storey general goods store opposite the saloon. However, fast as Taheton had been in spotting the gunman above, the man's partner who was right on the fallen's heel fired two shots down on the street. The Sioux tribesman's Springfield spat out another bullet, but a sharp scream caused his heart to jolt. It was a woman's, and his first thought went to Roxanne. His fears were put to rest when he caught a glimpse of the Black Rose still in the fight, fierce as ever. [i]Well dammit all.[/i] A frown creased his brows as Taheton's gaze landed on the woman who had barrelled her horse into the circle of Dawson's men. The very same one he had advised to clear out of the firefight. Who clearly had a beef with old Dawson when she decided to stay and fight. The blood stain he could see on her clothes as she hobbled into the saloon wasn't exactly reassuring. It would be a right shame to lose a potential ally so early in. Ducking from cover to cover, he steadily made his way over to the building as well, pausing only to tug his tomahawk from the chest of Freemont's corpse. He had every intention of treating that wound, deep or not. After all, it was partially his fault for not keeping a close enough eye on his surroundings. Not to mention, his father's spirit might just chew him out when he next dreamt for not putting his skills to use when needed. Taheton found the young woman leaning on the back wall of the saloon, half hidden behind the bar. Grudgingly, he admitted she at least still retained good sense despite the pain to ensure she was out of the line of fire before slumping down. A quick scan of her form told him she only had a nasty gash on her right thigh, courtesy of a bullet. Luckily, it was a graze. Had it been a bullet lodged in her flesh, he would need to pull out his surgery kit in order to dig it out. And here was not exactly the ideal time and place to perform an operation. Slinging his rifle back on his back and hatchet into the loops at his waist, he crouched down and allowed his hands to hover at her side. Eyeing her to both ensure and extract permission, he pinched the ruined cloth of both sides of the bleeding cut and with a muttered [color=ed1c24]"pardon me, miss"[/color], proceeded to rip the fabric further apart, exposing the entire wound with blood-stained skin on both sides. Fishing into his pouch, he brought out two different powders folded safely away in paper. [color=ed1c24]"This will cleanse the wound and stop it from getting infected."[/color] Taheton explained as he tapped the Echinacea powder onto the gash, then lifted the other packet. [color=ed1c24]"This one's agrimony. For stopping you leaking your blood all over the place."[/color] Since her dress was already in this state, he didn't feel sorry when he tore a strip from her clothes in order to bind the area and constrict blood flow after applying the powdered herbs. [color=ed1c24]"If we get outta here somehow, I will stitch you up. For now..."[/color] Tying the ends off strongly, he glanced in the direction of gunfires. [color=ed1c24]"I suggest not putting any weight on that leg. I would say stay out of the fight. But seeing how well you took my advice last time, I'm not holding my breath."[/color] Job done, Taheton prepared to return to the streets - if only to know the companions he rode in with was still alive - when an almighty bang rang through the air. Swearing softly, he sidled up to the saloon's wall at the doorway and peeked out. He was just in time to see a couple more objects airborne, but not where they came from. [color=ed1c24]"More incoming!"[/color] He called in warning before lowering his voice to a grumble. [color=ed1c24]"[i]Iya[/i], are they trying to raze this place to the ground?"[/color]