[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/AruG59n.png[/img][/center] [i]LISTEN UP, MORTALS![/i] Some of you are cowardly, sniveling minions who live your lives fulfilling the basest of fantasies. Low-level weaklings who can barely end a goblin's existence without breaking a nail, wannabe clerics who need to take a full night's rest after casting two spells. If that's you, then the door is right over there. There's no room for weaklings in this fight. I'm looking for the strongest, the best, rivals of the gods themselves. We're not hunting goblins and slimes, oh no. We will be fighting TITANS. Colossal giants renowned the world over for their strength and power, enemies like the tarrasque, ancient dragons who saw the world begin, lich kings and their army of undead. We are hunting those who fear nothing. If that doesn't make your blood pump faster with excitement, you aren't cut out for this job. If you're a weakling coward who pisses himself when a cantrip whizzes past your ear, get outta here. We are the Titan Hunters. [i]WHO'S WITH ME?![/i]